"We came from here" ——Record of General Secretary Xi Jinping's inspection in Yulin, Shaanxi

  Xinhua News Agency, Yulin, September 17 -

Title: "We came here from the" - remember General Secretary Xi Jinping visit in Yulin, Shaanxi

  People's Daily reporter Du Shangze, Wang Lewen Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Xiaosong, Zhu Jichai

  The road in northern Shaanxi is endless ridges and gullies.

Airplanes, trains, cars, all the way to and fro.

  From September 13th to 14th, before going to Xi'an to attend the opening ceremony of the National Games, General Secretary Xi Jinping went to Yulin, Shaanxi for investigation and research.

The Chinese Communists have a deep affection for northern Shaanxi, and General Secretary Xi Jinping has a deep concern for northern Shaanxi.

The transformation of development: from "black revolution" to "green development"

  The first stop of the inspection to Yulin was to see coal.

  "Shanhaijing·Xishanjing" records: "Three hundred li in the southwest, it is said that the mountain of the female bed, its yang is rich in red copper, and its yin is rich in stone nirvana..."

  Shini, carbon, and graphite are all the names of coal.

Over the years, Yulin's rich energy resources have not been fully utilized.

  When the news of "A Large Coal Field Found in Yulin Area" appeared on the front page of the People's Daily in the 1980s, China, which opened the curtain of reform and opening up, had an ever-increasing demand for energy resources.

  Uncover the chaos and get Wujin.

Like blood, the source of coal in Yulin is transported to the north and south of the river.

The development of Yulin has also changed because of this "black revolution."

  On the morning of the 13th, as soon as he arrived in Yulin, General Secretary Xi Jinping drove to the National Energy Group Yulin Chemical Co., Ltd., which is located on the bank of the Tuwei River beside Mu Us.

Along the way, the green in the desert, the village in the green, and the towers rising from the field, the general secretary looked through the car window and looked again:

  "When I jumped in the line in Yanchuan, Yulin was the poorest place in Shaanxi. It was densely populated but lacked food and drink, so I lived with soup, soup, water and water. Afterwards, I discovered energy and was able to exploit and develop energy. The industry is completely different. In less than half a century, Yulin has prospered."

  Energy security is an overall and strategic issue related to the country's economic and social development.

In those years, Yulin made great strides in its transformation from "agriculture" to "industry", "making credit for national energy development, industrial development, and industrialization process."

  With the passage of time, a new journey for the second centenary goal has begun, and my country's development has entered a new stage.

The general secretary exhorted: "We must use new development concepts to guide development. For a considerable period of time, coal as the main energy source is necessary, otherwise it will not be enough to support the modernization of the country."

  At the same time, the general secretary dialectically pointed out:

  "In the next step of development, as a kind of energy, the amount of coal must be controlled. It must be based on the green and low-carbon development direction, benchmarking to achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and take the path of transformation and upgrading."

  Keeping pace with the times, "Building a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system" is written into the "14th Five-Year Plan".

Traditional energy companies in Yulin are also actively planning new product routes.

During the investigation, the relevant responsible comrades of Guoneng Yuhua Company focused on introducing to the general secretary the practice of coal grading and qualitative utilization, and described the pressure and countermeasures for reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The general secretary was also invited to inspect the coal chemical exhibits.

  Medical bone nails, sutures, tableware, shopping bags... these degradable products are the fruits of the entire industrial chain of enterprises from coal to methanol to polyolefins and various chemical products.

  The general secretary saw with great interest:

  "I am here with you today to see the transformation and upgrading of energy development, the path and experience of green development and low-carbon development, and the results achieved. The development of coal power from restricted development and reduction to transformational development is very promising. . Especially your degradable products are very valuable. The development of the coal industry must be transformed and upgraded, and take the path of green and low-carbon development, so that the limits of resources, energy, and the environment will not be exceeded."

  At the site of an ethylene glycol project with an annual output of 400,000 tons, a group of corporate employees dressed in blue tooling stood in front of the general secretary vigorously.

Unlike practitioners in the traditional energy industry, the average age of the company's employees is only 32 years old.

  "A young team, thriving. You are a group of people who have undertaken historical tasks. We must promote the high-end, diversified, and low-carbon development of the coal chemical industry, take strengthening scientific and technological innovation as the most urgent task, and speed up key core technology research. The mission is glorious and important. Hope rests on you, and hope also rests on emerging industries."

Changes in the situation: from "not having a full stomach" to "white flour pork is not too rare"

  "Soup in the morning, chaff at noon, and the moon in the bowl at night."

  Gaoxigou, a small gully in the hilly and gully area of ​​the Loess Plateau, the older generation in the village has memories of not having enough food.

  It is located 20 kilometers north of Mizhi County. The land is barren and has nine droughts in ten years.

At the beginning of the founding of New China, the Gaoxigou people also made detours to fill their stomachs.

I thought "plan one more'slope' and eat one more'wowo'", but the more you plan, the poorer.

Sheep ate up the grass, and people ate up the trees.

  Hearing Jiang Liangbiao, party branch secretary of Gaoxigou Village, recalled his bitterness and sweetness, General Secretary Xi Jinping also had a deep memory of the soil erosion on the Loess Plateau. He talked about the "three fields" of running water, soil, and fertilizer, and talked about "at that time" Northern Shaanxi reclaimed wasteland, and Henan suffered a bitter day."

  Pain makes thinking about change.

In the 1950s, Gaoxigou began to explore the "three-three system" (fields, woodlands, and grasslands each accounted for one-third).

Jiang Liangbiao explained to the general secretary that he also came up with a way to do it: more food must be fertilized, and the fertilizer depends on the cattle and sheep, and the cattle and sheep must eat grass.

  The exploration of Gaoxigou has solved a difficult problem in the control of soil erosion in the Loess Plateau.

  There is a bumper harvest in the farmland below the mountain.

The general secretary temporarily stopped the car.

  "Can the crops be watered?" "Is there interplanting beans in the field?" "A few people in the family go out to work"... The general secretary and the villagers started talking.

  Hearing the folks say, "Days are better, now you can eat white noodles, rice, and meat." General Secretary Xi Jinping exclaimed: "Now it's not that white noodles and pork are rare. On the contrary, sometimes eating whole grains is quite good." I am very familiar with the nostalgia of northern Shaanxi: "Hard millet is used to make yellow rice bun, and soft millet is used to make oiled hulan and oil cake."


  The colorful fields, the scenery was once familiar, but everything is changing: grinding and grinding are all mechanized; when it comes to threshing, "you don't want to be chained anymore, right?" "Yes, now they are all used It's a tricycle."

  The top of Longtou Mountain is full of autumn breeze.

The general secretary looked at the east and then went to the west, raised his eyes and meditated, full of emotion.

  Pine, cypress, locust tree, elm, poplar, Caragana korshinskii, as well as apple trees, jujube trees, apricot trees, walnut trees... what a colorful freehand brushwork!

It was the hard work of generations of villagers to shoot cliffs, build ridges, dig ditches, and build nests.

  "40 mountain ridges, 21 ditches, 4,553 mu of arable land, 2,300 mu of ecological forest, 1,000 mu of economic forest, 126 silt dams, 5 rain-collecting cellars, 3 reservoirs..." Jiang Liangbiao reported to his family beside the general secretary , "'Marshal Huang' and Marshal Red', Mountain Apple is our'golden egg'. In recent years, we have been groping to change from a'three-three system' to a'three-two-one' model (three forests and two Grass, a field)."

  The general secretary broke his fingers and paused: "Forest, grass, and fields, the connotation of developing rural undertakings is to keep pace with the times. I heard the name Gaoxigou when I was in Yanchuan. Zhaicun. Looking at your terraced fields, you have worked hard. What is rare is that you have been doing it for more than half a century."

  From "the hills are bare and suffering from famine year after year" to "layers of terraced fields on top of hills, patches of forest and grass covering slopes", the contrast between the old and the new is sharp.

Over the years, the green map of Shaanxi has extended more than 400 kilometers to the north.

The report card of the village is also gratifying: “For 60 years, the mud has not fallen down the mountain, the flood has not flowed out of the ditch, and the sediment has not been sent to the Yellow River. Each time the rainfall is two or three millimeters more than that of the surrounding villages.”

  “The governance of small watersheds has a long-term relationship. Gaoxigou Village is a model for ecological governance of the Loess Plateau.” The general secretary exclaimed, “Green water and green mountains can be turned into golden mountains and silver mountains. This is also a path that we are now advocating and promoting."

  In January 1969, Xi Jinping, who was under 16 years old, came from Beijing to Liangjiahe Village, Yanchuan County, Yan'an City.

He later wrote in an article: "As a public servant of the people, the northern Shaanxi Plateau is my root, because here has cultivated my unchanging belief: to do practical things for the people!"

  "I have been in northern Shaanxi for six or seven years. The situation here was not as good as that of'Emen'. When it comes to eating, you are often hungry here. At that time, many people went to beg from Suide and Mizhi to the south. The vicissitudes of life, folks We are living very steadily today."

The Echoes of the Revolution: From "The Smallest Command" to "The Largest People's War of Liberation"

  The waves of 74 years ago are magnificent, along the winding mountain road, gradually approaching.

  On the afternoon of the 13th, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the former site of the Yangjiagou Revolution, "Come here to have a look, but I have a wish."

  It is these cave dwellings. It is here that the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, who moved to northern Shaanxi, held the "December Meeting". Comrade Mao Zedong wrote "The Current Situation and Our Tasks" here. It is from here that the call to the country spreads.

  Walking into the former site of the "December Conference", one side is the group portraits of revolutionary ancestors that have influenced Chinese history, and the other side is an oil painting of the conference scene.

The general secretary contemplated for a long time.

  The commentator read aloud Comrade Mao Zedong’s judgment on the situation in the report:

  "This is a turning point in history. This is the turning point in which Chiang Kai-shek's 20-year counter-revolutionary rule has developed to annihilated. This is the turning point in which imperialist rule in China has evolved from development to annihilation for more than 100 years."

  The courage to lift heavy weights is a decisive victory in this cavernous cave.

General Secretary Xi Jinping said of Comrade Zhou Enlai's evaluation, "The smallest command in the world commanded the largest People's Liberation War."

  Going further up the mountain is the former residence of Comrades Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai.

Faced with a "Road Map for the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to Move to Northern Shaanxi".

In northern Shaanxi for 1 year and 5 days, he fought for more than 2,000 Huali, passing through 12 counties and 38 villages.

General Secretary Xi Jinping approached for a closer look.

  "The inevitable victory of the Chinese revolution will find the answer here. Look far ahead! Chairman Mao is here not only commanding the Northwest battlefield, but also commanding the national battlefield, while also considering things after the establishment of the new regime." He mentioned a historical fact, Comrade Mao Zedong. As early as the Yan'an period, the book "Jiashen Three Hundred Years Ceremony" was used as a rectification study document, so that comrades should take warning.

  In the old house, there are narrations of history everywhere, including desks, maps, inkstones, oil lamps, pot stoves, stone mills, stone mills, and soil kangs.

In the small courtyard, a century-old jujube tree, the autumn breeze dyed the jujube red.

  Comrade Mao Zedong often wore an old gray-blue military uniform.

During the 120 days of living in Yangjiagou, he wrote more than 40 documents and more than 80 electronic manuscripts.

The light of the mountain ditch illuminates China.

  The few words hanging on the wall of the old house attracted the attention of General Secretary Xi Jinping.

It was in the spring of 1948. Comrade Mao Zedong put forward in his "Circular on the Situation": "Policies and strategies are the life of the party, and leading comrades at all levels must pay full attention to them, and they must not be careless."

  General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly pointed out: “Policies and strategies are the life of the party. Over the past 100 years, our party has been able to unify its thinking, unify its pace, and move forward in unison, and why it has been able to achieve great victories and glories in revolution, construction, and reform. Achievement lies in our party’s adherence to the guidance of Marxism, foresight and knowledge, solving practical and strategic issues, accurately judging and grasping the situation, and formulating realistic goals, tasks, policies and strategies. This can be seen here, the Communist Party of China With such a demeanor of people, the past, present, and future are all well planned and considered."

  For 120 days, many stories were left.

  The second day of the "December Conference" was Comrade Mao Zedong's birthday.

He ate the same "money, money, rice," and sour cabbage as usual, and since then set the rule of "no birthday" for the communists: "Even when the whole country is liberated, no birthday activities are allowed within the party."

  Hearing the explanation, General Secretary Xi Jinping remembered that at the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Party, Chairman Mao had set six rules for the Communists.

  "Now it seems that'no longevity' can be done;'less toasts' can be done, and we drink less now;'not using names as place names' can also be done." He counted the implementation situation one by one. "'Don't put Chinese comrades in parallel with the Marx and Lesotho', this matter has progressed. We must adhere to the basic principles of Marxism, and at the same time adhere to seeking truth from facts, and constantly promote the Sinicization and modernization of Marxism. We cannot learn Marxism and seek a sword."

  The cave dwellings in northern Shaanxi concern the safety of the party and the country, as well as the hearts of the people.

It is said that under the cover of the villagers, the enemy has been unable to find the whereabouts of the older generation of revolutionaries, and General Secretary Xi Jinping has a lot of feelings about the sufferings of the Chinese Communists and the villagers.

  In the morning of the next day, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the former site of the Suide Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China in the Jiuzhen Temple at the foot of the Shusu Mountain.

There are two lines in the exhibition hall that are very eye-catching: "Stand on the side of the most working people" and "Sit on the side of the common people with their buttocks end-to-end."

  General Secretary Xi Jinping read it out softly.

  "To be honest, this is the Guanzhong dialect, steady and upright." He said that the Chinese Communist Party led the people to victory in the revolution and won the hearts of the people. It is the millions of people who firmly choose to stand on our side.

  In the exhibition hall of the old site, there is a warning from the older generation of revolutionaries about running a winter school.

General Secretary Xi Jinping read word by word:

  "You must go through the masses and mobilize the conscious and voluntary enthusiasm of the masses to successfully run the winter school... We must know that the biggest difficulty is not mobilizing the masses. As long as we get the support of the masses and we have correct leadership, there are no difficulties that cannot be overcome. "

The basis of revival: from "evening school literacy" to "establishing a modern education system"

  When he came to Shaanxi more than a year ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping traced the past to the present: "The word'China' was first seen in the bronze He Zun unearthed in Shaanxi."

  On the 14th, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition Hall of Suide County.

Willow weaving, clay sculptures, murals, suona, stone carving, paper-cutting, as well as Suide Pingshu, folk songs in northern Shaanxi, those folk arts passed down from generation to generation, are like ramming the loess in northern Shaanxi with an old hoe.

  Li Kang, a storyteller in northern Shaanxi, embraces Sanxian with his legs tied and a sling, and the lamb belly is blue with a handkerchief.

The voice brightened, and the scene was booming.


The general secretary took the lead and applauded: "I especially like to listen to Sanxian. It is very charming. Only by the water and soil can I sing this flavor."

  The ancestors for generations, year after year, these intangible cultural heritage stages are located in the fields, courtyards, cliffsides, on the way of washing, carrying water, working, and grazing.

  In the small courtyard of the exhibition hall, the prosperous Northern Shaanxi Great Yangko was twisted, and the interpretation was full of fun.

  "It's very authentic. You all learned it professionally, right?"

  Everyone answered: "There are inheritors and students." "Now there are activities every week and every month, and we often go to school to attend classes." "The more twisted the more lively, the more twisted the more vigorous, the more twisted the younger the younger ."

  "Okay! Folk art is a precious treasure of the Chinese nation. These treasures are well protected, inherited, and used by the ancestors."

  Several non-genetic inheritors mentioned "entering school".

The Suide Experimental Middle School, a few blocks away from the exhibition hall, opened the door to these artistic treasures.

During the inspection, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into this school.

  The sound of reading, singing, piano, and the noise of the playground is full of vitality.

After the "double reduction" policy in the education field was released, the school also paid more attention to the cultivation and all-round development of students' comprehensive quality.

The general secretary observed the calligraphy class and the physical education class successively.

  "Hello, Grandpa Xi!" "We love you!" Cheers on the playground came and went one after another.

The children in the classroom rushed to the hallway and waved for joy.

  The general secretary said emotionally:

  "What does the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation depend on? It depends on our nation’s highly civilized spiritual literacy, and the foundation lies in education. The foundation of five thousand years of Chinese civilization also lies in education. The prosperity of a great country for thousands of years depends on education. important."

  Above the teaching building, "Don't forget to save the country when you read, and don't forget to read when you save the country" is shining.

The exchanges between General Secretary Xi Jinping and teachers and students started from the site of Suide Normal University:

  "Participating in the revolution is first of all to receive education. What is the revolution for? The toiling people say it is for two acres of land. Through night school literacy and eradication of illiteracy, they have raised their consciousness and realized that it is for liberation. Since the founding of New China, more than 500 million people have been involved. Education started, and now that more than 1.4 billion people’s education has been caught, higher education has become a popular education, inheriting the fine tradition of emphasizing education."

  From the Opium War to the new era of struggle and rise, time flies by, and the world has changed.

General Secretary Xi Jinping talked about the extreme importance of strengthening cultural self-confidence, improving the overall quality of the people, promoting the all-round development of people, enhancing the level of social civilization, and enhancing the creative vitality of the whole nation.

  "In the next step, my country's education layout will be more reasonable and more suitable for the realization of the second centenary goal. The national plan has been formulated, and all parties have taken action, hoping to train socialist builders and successors. The all-round development of intellectual, physical, art, and labor is the result of more than 70 years of summary and 5,000 years of exploration.

Guidance for real work: from "in-depth investigation and research" to "handing in good answers"

  At the last stop of this trip, I visited another village, Haojiaqiao Village in Zhangjiayun Town, southwest of Suide County.

Here are the good stories of the older generation of Communists who are seeking truth and being pragmatic and attaching importance to research.

It is a model village discovered by the Suide Prefectural Committee of the Communist Party of China in the spring of 1943 after more than a month of investigation and research.

  At that time, a model figure was also discovered, named Liu Yuhou.

In the village history exhibition, the general secretary stopped in front of an oil painting.

In the painting, Liu Yuhou wears a big red flower and leads the big scalper.

It was at the spring plowing production mass mobilization meeting in Suide County. He was selected as a labor hero in Suide County, won the prize, and was walking into the village with joy.

  The general secretary smiled and said: "'Every village learns from Haojiaqiao, and everyone learns from Liu Yuhou.' Haojiaqiao was rated as a model in the countryside. Liu Yuhou's name is also famous. With so many labor heroes in the border area, he is a famous one."

  This year, Haojiaqiao was awarded the title of "Model": "Model of National Poverty Alleviation".

  "There are only ten in China. This is amazing. It deserves its name and a golden sign." Liu Zhenxi, the party branch secretary of Haojiaqiao Village, smiled honestly.

  "It's been 78 years. It's not just a flash in the pan, but it's going forward. What the leading role relies on, can sum up some experience in party building." General Secretary Xi Jinping said in a whisper, one is investigation and research.

Through real effort and mastering first-hand information, this is the good style and tradition that Chairman Mao has brought to the whole party.

One is to establish a model, discover good experiences and good models on the basis of full investigation and research, and promote learning and promotion.

The other is to build a good party branch, select a leader, follow the mass line, mobilize the enthusiasm of the masses, raise their consciousness, and sublimate their understanding, and work together to do a good job.

  From "facing the loess" to "facing the industry", the village appearance and villagers' lives have undergone profound changes.

The general secretary walked into the grape growing shed, walked into the village mutual happiness hospital, walked into the village health station, and looked carefully all the way.

  Back then, farming relied on the years, but now it’s a good day.

The background of growing grapes is the preferential policies given by the state for poverty alleviation; the elderly care for villagers relies on the coordinated development of the state’s elderly care services and the elderly care industry; and the inclusive support of the national medical insurance policy for villagers’ medical care.

  The general secretary whispered: "There are rushes in this valley. If you can get rich and live a good life, the whole of China has a bottom. I think this place is a place where people work hard and God helps. This'day' has two meanings. One is the sky of natural weather, and the other is the sky of good policies by the party and the government."

  This year, northern Shaanxi is experiencing drought again.

However, the villagers "are not worried about the land being dry, so don't worry if the Communist Party is there."

After walking into the village, General Secretary Xi Jinping wants to see the folks in the old revolutionary base more.

  Hou Zhirong from Haojiaqiao Village is 70 years old.

In the past few years, I was impoverished due to illness, and my life was tight.

I got rid of poverty a few years ago, and my family is prosperous, and the situation is getting better every year.

  The general secretary entered his yard and saw food cooking in a cave dwelling, he went to see with joy.

Sorghum rice porridge, minced buns, and greens are about to be cooked.

  "This old pumpkin is delicious!"

  Sitting on the kang, Lao Hou asked the general secretary to eat a date.

The general secretary smiled and took one, "It's very sweet!"

  The second son of Lao Hou’s family just returned from working in Qinghai for the Mid-Autumn Festival. He told the general secretary: “Brothers are doing a good job, and our parents are relieved of poverty. Let’s go further and earn more.”

  The cave windows are bright and clean, and electrical appliances are readily available. The green bonsai dotted in front of the windows are thick.

The general secretary looked around and sighed with emotion: "I haven't seen such a good house in my years in northern Shaanxi. Even the Yan'an District Committee is not as good as ours."

  "I've been to the poorest place in all of China, and now it's all old and new. To live a good life, this is what we Communists have been thinking about when they established base areas here and finally liberated all of China. Do this well. Communists can only hand in good answers for all things, otherwise they will be unqualified."

  When Hao Jiaqiao bid farewell to his fellow villagers, the general secretary recalled this line with earnest words:

  "I have learned a lot from here, and I have a lot of experience. It can be said that I returned with a lot of rewards. I saw how the Communist Party of China came here, from Jinggangshan to northern Shaanxi, from northern Shaanxi to Xibaipo, and then to Beijing, all the way to rush to take the exam. . I have seen the great changes of the Chinese nation over 70 years after the founding of New China and 100 years of the founding of the Party. We must continue to take this path well. If we take a good path, we must not forget the path. Look at the ditches and hurdles of the past, we are from here. Those who come here will be simple at the beginning, but they will be great at the end."