Sivlio Spaccesi with Ponti and Nardulli


September 17, 2021 Ten years after its release, Caterina Ponti's documentary "Mediterraneo, mare di vita" arrives on TV. In the new version, director's cut, shines a tribute video dedicated to the deceased actor and voice actor Silvio Spaccesi, who in this work provided the last performance of his career. We remember Spaccesi in some films by Nanni Loy such as "Prisoner inmate", "Café Express", "Parcel, double parcel and counterpaccotto", in many comedies between the 70s and 80s, and remains his important, ten-year work of voice actor, for example as Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. In the documentary proposed for free by Chili Tv these days, the actor - reads the press release - " was immortalized while acting and interpreting a

voice over

that has something magical about it, this dubbing was the very last of her career. "In the docu-film (with Angelo Bassi and Mediterranea Productions), conceived and written with Gianluca Nardulli, Ponti makes an 80-minute cross-section of the Mare Nostrum, with suggestive images accompanied by the soundtrack of Al Festa The musician recently returned to collaborate with the two authors Ponti and Nardulli in the video "The Last Trip".