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20 Minutes

, you will now find a soap opera written by the Rocambole team.

Rocambole is the app (Android, iOS) on which more than 60,000 of you are already enjoying reading every day!

It offers 100% exclusive stories, in 5-minute episodes, on your smartphone.

In “Le Pacte”, written by Emily Chain and Anaël Verdier, four friends promise to do everything to make their dream come true.

If you missed the start, go to our site or download the Rocambole app!

Here are the episodes of the week of June 28 for those who missed them ...

Episode 22 - Fed Up

- Not only are my parents-in-law squatting in the apartment, but in the office, the atmosphere is so tense that it seems like things are going to break out at any moment.

- Still the organizational problems of your bosses?

Louise asks.

- That's not it, we have a competition to hand in next week.

They want everything to be spotless.

- I see, and they add new requirements to you every day, as they always do.

Samia nods, annoyed.

- It's called a lack of organization, Louise says.

- No, it's like that in all the agencies, we are all cart when the renderings approach.

- Call it what you want, but in a company that manages its projects well, it does not happen.

- What do you know about that ?

It's like that in the middle.

- Anyway, you know my opinion.

With such working conditions, you should be paid three times as much.

- You're kidding ?

I left school barely a year ago.

I still have everything to learn.

Louise comments dubiously but prefers to change the subject.

- Your in-laws, eh?

So is this marriage really serious?

- Do not talk to me about it.

They're on me as soon as I get home.

They bombard me with questions about the decor, the menu, the guests.

I wanted the most minimalist ceremony possible, I will end up in a castle.

- And David, he takes care of it a bit?

Samia sighs.

- If one wants to.

He is so jaded of his parents that he says yes to everything.

- Well that promises, laughs Louise.

Am I invited?

- Mmmh, I'm still feeling myself.

Episode 23 |


Not the other.

- The cat got sick, we had to take him to the vet, and you know how complicated it is with him every time.

The ash tree at the bottom of the garden is full of aphids, we have tried everything.

Did you call your grandmother?

She is not well, that worries us.

- Mamidou?

- No.

She is indestructible, that one.

I'm talking to you about



Samia is surprised:

- I saw her the day before yesterday, she seemed to me to be in great shape.

- It's because she doesn't want to worry, she's pretending.

Samia wonders especially if her mother is capable of rejoicing, for others as much as for herself.

Her smile is as rare as a garish Soulages painting.

In every conversation, Samia goes through the same litany of issues, difficulties and annoyances that turn her mother's life into an endless obstacle course.

- I called you about the marriage, she specifies to interrupt the pessimistic flow.

She could almost feel her mother's tension on the receiver.

- David's parents want to meet you, Samia announces suddenly, like tearing off a bandage.

- It's going to be complicated.

You're not giving us a lot of time.

- We're coming next week.

- I have to see your father.

- Mom, stop looking for a pretext, it's my wedding, it's important.

Her mother giggles disdainfully on the other end of the phone.

- A marriage"…

Samia takes it upon herself.

One challenge at a time, she recalls.

- By the way, continues his mother, your father will not be able to come on D-Day.

Samia is choking.

- You warn us too late too, he already had an engagement.

Episode 24 - Meeting at the Top

- You're kidding ?

It couldn't be worse.

They are the least compatible people in the world.

- Stop, you exaggerate.

It will be alright.

David parks in front of Samia's childhood home.

His parents' 4x4 is already there.

- And besides, they are early!

Everything seems to flow on David, whose optimism borders on recklessness.

The opposite of Samia and her constant excitement.

She finds comfort there at times but in this case, it irritates her.

Does he not measure the magnitude of the disaster?

Her parents have shamed her since she was little.

They are too… too few… To start listing everything that is wrong with them seems impossible to him.

- Anyway, I can't wait to see that.

 She sighs :

- You really don't understand, do you?

How could he?

She saw where he grew up, with what privileges, with what love.

She will try to explain to him, one day, maybe.

For the moment, the priority is to limit the breakage.

- We should never have told them about it, she regrets.

- They would have found out eventually.

His sister did not come this time.

A cataclysm was enough for him.

Samia will be alone to hold the bar of family dignity.

The painting is the image of what she feared.

David's father leaned over laughingly to her father, who was struggling to keep the upper hand in the conversation with boring anecdotes.

His mother seated half-butt on the edge of her chair, frozen, pursed lips as David's mother unfolds her guest list.

- You see, whispered David, they don't need us.


History is painfully written for the heroes of the "Pact", our soap opera


Love, money and breakdown of the pen on the program of the "Pact", our soap opera

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