Paris (AFP)

The leading group of the most listened to radio stations this summer remains identical to that of last year: France Inter retains the pole position ahead of RTL and franceinfo, according to data released Thursday by Médiamétrie.

The results of the summer, when the radios install special grilles for the holidays, are not comparable with those of the rest of the year.

France Inter consolidates its position as the number one summer radio station with a cumulative audience of 10.5%, up 0.3 point compared to the same period last year.

RTL also retains its second rank but narrows its gap with public radio by increasing its cumulative audience by 0.6 point to 9.2%.

Franceinfo follows with 8.1% of cumulative audience, losing 0.3 point compared to last year.

Next come NRJ (7.6%, -0.5 point), Nostalgie (6.2%, +0.2 point), Skyrock (6.1%, +0.7 point), France Bleu (5.3 %, -0.9 point) and RMC (5.2%, -0.4 point).

In July and August, 38.2 million French people aged 13 and over listened to the radio on weekdays for an average of 2:40 (compared to 2:37 last summer).

This represents 130,000 fewer listeners than the previous summer, according to data from Médiamétrie.

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