Paris (AFP)

The Grand Prix awarded each year by the Assises du journalisme has been renamed "Grand Prix du journalisme Michèle Léridon", in memory of the former director of information of Agence France-Presse and member of the CSA, who died suddenly in May , according to a statement released Thursday.

The new name of this annual prize was decided on the initiative of the direction of the Assises du journalisme, specify the Superior council of audio-visual and Agence France-Presse (AFP).

The direction of the Assises of journalism estimated that "during his 37 years of career at Agence France-Presse, as at the CSA", Michèle Léridon "led with requirement and benevolence all the fights which are dear to the Assises: quality and independence of information, diversity and parity in the writing and processing of information, media and information education ", report the two entities.

This Grand Prix distinguishes "the journalist, media, collective or editorial action which has best honored the values ​​of journalism during the past year" in France.

It is awarded on the occasion of the three days of debates at the Assises du journalisme in Tours (Indre-et-Loire).

"These values ​​were held high by Michèle, they are defended on a daily basis by all Agency staff, and it is more important than ever to promote them today, especially in the face of the rise of disinformation and the growing obstacles to the journalist profession, "said Fabrice Fries, CEO of AFP, quoted in the press release.

This initiative "reflects the esteem and respect that the profession had for Michèle Léridon who was committed, throughout her career as a journalist and then as a member of the CSA, in favor of freedom of expression and freedom to inform, "said Roch-Olivier Maistre, president of the CSA.

The first "Michèle Léridon Journalism Grand Prix" will be awarded on September 30 in Tours.

Its winner will be chosen from among five nominees: the scientific magazine Epsiloon;

Morgan Large, reporter for the local radio station "Kreizh Breizh";

the So Press group and its founder Franck Annese;

the "Journalism Trust Initiative" launched by Reporters Without Borders and Union photojournalist Christian Lantenois, violently attacked in Reims at the end of February.

AFP will participate in the deliberations of the jury, chaired this year by journalist Patrick Cohen.

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