Stéphane Bern & Matthieu Noël SEASON 2021 - 202216:07, September 15, 2021

Historically Yours brings together 3 characters with a life worthy of a film, so worthy that it has been adapted to the cinema: Benedetta Carlini, an Italian and lesbian nun who shook her religious community in the 15th century, of whom we have (re) discovered mad life thanks to Virginie Efira in Paul Verhoeven's film.

Then, it was in the United States that he made people talk about him: John Dillinger, an outstanding robber, became the number 1 public enemy of the country to whom Johnny Depp brought back to life in "Public Enemies".

And the one whose Hollywood, again, was torn to land the rights to his story at auction: Jordan Belfort is "The Wolf of Wall Street".

And Leonardo Dicaprio too.



Marie-Elisabeth Henneau

, historian, specialist of nuns in modern times.


Jean-Baptiste Thoret

, director, critic and historian of American cinema.

Author of “Michael Mann, mirages of the contemporary” (Flammarion).