How do you keep your brain in "top shape"?

What are the most prominent foods to stimulate the brain?

And how can reduce the risk of forgetfulness, memory problems and Alzheimer's?

The answers are in this comprehensive report.

The health of the body is considered the health of the brain, and this requires a wide range of things, which will help a person maintain his brain activity when he is young, and reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s in old age.

Here are tips to keep your brain healthy:

1- Watch your health

The key to brain health lies in making sure that chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes are under control, according to a report by Haley Levine for the Washington Post.

"We know that diseases like high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes damage the small blood vessels in the brain, affecting the parts that you need to think and memory," says Gary Small, chief of psychiatry at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey.

2- Be active and move

“We know that regular aerobic exercise enhances blood flow to your brain and increases the size of the part of the brain responsible for verbal memory and learning,” says Zaldi Tan, medical director at the Jonah Goldrich Alzheimer's Center at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles.

A study conducted by the medical director, including 2,000 people over the age of 60 doing an MRI scan, found that subjects with more physical activity had a larger hippocampus.

The most protective effects of exercise were seen in those over the age of 75.

If you are inactive, be aware that simply walking can provide you with a lot of benefits, and those over 55 who walk 3 times a week have shown an improvement in thinking after just 6 months, according to a 2019 study published in the journal Neurology. Tan: Do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise most days.

For his part, sports scientist Ingo Froböse confirms - in statements to the German news agency - that sports can enhance brain power and intelligence in the stages of childhood and adolescence, and preserve memory in old age.

The German professor stressed that sports and activity are not only beneficial to the body, but also to the mind.

The head of the Institute of Movement Therapy, Prevention and Rehabilitation at the German Sports University in Cologne, explained that it is practically impossible to develop mental skills in childhood, and maintain them in old age, without exercise and physical activity.

Many studies indicate a close relationship between physical activity and cognitive performance, as sports play a special role in the cognitive formation of childhood and adolescence, coinciding with the formation and construction of most brain cells.

With age, physical activity can maintain brain strength and have positive effects on the brain, and it appears that the hormones released by the muscles serve as real fuel for the memory center in the brain.

3- Eat friendly foods

A Mediterranean diet rich in whole grains, nuts, beans and healthy fats from foods, such as fatty fish and olive oil, appears to be more protective of brain health, says Joel Salinas, a psychiatrist at New York University Grossman School of Medicine.

4- Do what you love

You don't need brain training games or unusual new hobbies to keep your mind active, says Sue Burson, professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the University of Washington in Seattle.

Even simple pastimes such as reading the newspaper every day or playing with the grandchildren can be beneficial.

A Chinese study of more than 15,000 people over the age of 65 - published in "Jama Psychiatry" in 2018 - found that those who regularly engage in reading and board and card games have a significantly lower risk of mental illness.

Ideally, find activities that are motivating and have social components, and try doing them face-to-face, says Tan.

Details about foods that protect the brain

“There are many reasons that lead to a lot of forgetfulness, especially with the emergence of modern civilization that has caused a lot of tension and psychological pressures for humans, along with other factors that can It leads to poor memory, including pathological causes,” in statements to Anatolia.

And he added, "or for other physical reasons such as tiredness and fatigue, and problems associated with old age or patients with Alzheimer's disease."

He explained, "In order to reach an effective method that helps in treating forgetfulness, we must first know the reasons that led to this state of memory impairment."

Daily presented 13 types of foods and drinks that help activate memory in order to combat Alzheimer's disease:

1- avocado

It is one of the best natural memory stimulants, a fatty fruit rich in omega fatty acids necessary for brain cells, and contains vitamin E, which may contribute to the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

2- Beans

A group of medical studies confirmed the importance of eating beans on a continuous basis, in order to prevent the dwindling of brain cells.

3- Cranberry

It contains a large amount of antioxidants useful for brain cells, to prevent people from developing memory impairment and forgetfulness associated with age and aging.

4- fish

Most fish and seafood contain good proportions of "omega-3" and an abundant amount of fatty acids that help strengthen and activate memory, such as salmon, tuna and herring.

5- Fruits, especially grapes and apples

Grapes effectively strengthen memory and prevent Alzheimer's disease and dementia, because they contain flavonoids and vitamin C.

Apples contain some useful elements for nerves and neurotransmitters in the brain, and they work very effectively in eliminating the problem of poor memory and preventing people from developing forgetfulness.

6- red beet

It contains a large percentage of nitrate, which works to expand blood vessels, which increases the efficiency and strength of memory and brain work to resist forgetting and its factors.

7- Coffee

Helps focus and process information, because it contains antioxidants.

8- Turmeric and curry

It is noteworthy that this wonderful duo should be taken to reduce the chances of exposure to Alzheimer’s, as each of them works to fight the signs of aging, with its antioxidants.

9- Nuts and seeds

It is one of the foods rich in protein, fatty acids, and amino acids that contribute to the manufacture of important neurotransmitters for the brain, such as: walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds.

10- Eggs

It is a good source of many nutrients associated with brain health, including vitamins B6, B12 and folate.

11- Green tea

It is characterized by containing many useful elements that work effectively to strengthen memory, and increase human absorptive capacities, due to its richness in antioxidants.

12- Dark chocolate

It contains flavonoids, caffeine, and an abundant amount of antioxidants. These elements work effectively to activate memory, and activate the brain's ability to speed up the process of memorizing and retrieval of information.