Uppsala County has had a total of 80 shootings since 2018 and until 31 August this year, according to police statistics.

That is 20.6 shootings per 100,000 inhabitants.

A total of eight people have died and 29 have been injured.

Jale Poljarevius believes that the trend has now reversed and is going in the right direction, but that it can change quickly.

- We have locked in many key players, but it may still be the case that new people want to fill those positions.

There may be new shootings, and we are trying to be at the forefront.

But you have already worked with this for several years?

- The only thing we can do is work very intensively with a locking effect.

But what worries me, and that is my personal opinion, is that those we arrest come out very quickly.

And then it is not possible to demand from the police to stop everything, says Jale Poljarevius.

"It has turned"

Erik Pelling (S), municipal councilor in Uppsala, emphasizes that Uppsala has been the worst in the country - but that it was before.

- That was the case in 2019, but since then there has been a substantial reduction in the number of shootings.

Of course, we are still not satisfied, every single shooting that takes place is a societal problem.

But now it has turned in a positive direction and it is important to keep that work, says Erik Pelling.