20 years ago and the attacks of September 11, 2001 fueled many conspiracy theories, based on suspicions related to the strange collapse of Tower No. 7 and suspicious movements in the stock exchange days before the attacks, and the failure to find any trace of a plane at the Pentagon site, which affected people's minds and left the door Open to the existence of a conspiracy, even after Covid-19 entered the scene and became the most important feeder of conspiracy theory.

In order to put an end to these doubts, the French newspaper Le Monde carried out an extensive analysis to uncover it, based on the eight most frequently asked questions regarding the September 11 issue, such as: How could the United States fail to notice what was planned?

Why were the hijacked planes not shot down?

Why did the towers collapse?

How was the passport of one of the attackers found intact?

And why weren't found the remains of planes in the Pentagon?

Why did tower number 7 collapse automatically?

And the issue of trading in the stock market, and finally: Why did the tower operator insure it shortly before the accident?

1/ Incomplete evidence

A few days after the attacks, then-President George W. Bush said he had never imagined, even in a dream, that the United States would attack in this way, as FBI Director Robert Mueller said that “there was absolutely no indication that something would happen.” However, security agencies learned that an attack was in the pipeline, the 9/11 Commission report said, which could give the impression that US intelligence was complicit.

In their lengthy article in the newspaper, William Odoro and Gary Dagorn saw that there was information that al-Qaeda planned to launch attacks on American soil, including the use of civilian aircraft for this purpose, yet the attack was not prevented, although the FBI conducted 70 different investigations in a way parallel, although the evidence he collected was not consistent enough to predict the 9/11 scenario.

The authors attributed the failure of the intelligence agencies to a number of reasons, such as the ambiguity of the target to which the attack would be directed, the method of work that seemed so complex that it might not be possible, in addition to competition between the CIA and the FBI, limited resources and the lack of a plan to confront an air attack from a flight. internally, even a congressional committee concluded that "terrorists have exploited the deep institutional flaws of our government."

2/ Why were the hijacked planes not shot down?

One of the repeated criticisms directed at the American defense is that it did not shoot down the hijacked plane even though it was capable of doing so, and indeed hundreds of army planes took off on the afternoon of September 11, but all arrived too late - according to the authors - and this may be due to the slow transfer of information and the difficulty of locating Aircraft in which transponders have been cut off, as well as the time required to arm a military aircraft before takeoff.

Moreover, the US authorities did not know the attackers' plan and did not know how to respond, especially as the hijackers claimed in their radio transmission that they wanted to land, which caused confusion in giving orders and wasting valuable time on the authorities that enabled the hijackers to reach their goals.

3/ Why did the towers collapse?

Perhaps the collapse of the World Trade Center towers - as the authors see - is a point that raised most questions among skeptics and conspiracy theorists, and even among a large number of other people such as construction engineers, especially since the National Institute of Standards and Technology was not able to explain the factors involved until after several years of investigation It is the effect of aircraft on the central pillars of buildings that bear two-thirds of the weight of the buildings, and the huge amount of fuel, in addition to the holes created by aircraft in the facades, and the displacement of large parts of the thermal insulation covering the structural elements and exposing metals to fires and quickly weakening them.

"The lower floors provided little resistance to the massive energy emitted by the falling building mass, and the upper part of the towers collapsed in free fall," the report explained, and the engineers cautioned that they had found no physical evidence to support alternative hypotheses such as explosives-controlled demolition.

4/ valid passport

One of the surprising issues in the September 11 incident - according to the authors - is the finding of an intact passport outside the ruins of the World Trade Center, belonging to Sattam Al-Saqami, one of the five hijackers of American Airlines Flight 11, and was found on the ground by a police officer, and referred to in the It is often described as a "miraculous discovery" although it is not an important document on file because the names of the hijackers were obtained thanks to information provided by a flight attendant about their seat numbers after they locked them in the cockpit.

The passport was found intact, relatively far from the scene of the fire, just as 11 thousand intact items were found from the belongings of the people who died in this major accident.

5/Pentagon plane

And the authors wondered: What if a missile was what targeted the US Department of Defense and not a plane?

They pointed out that this idea was echoed in many successful conspiracy theorist films, where it was believed that the damage to the Pentagon was not wide enough to match the impact of the Boeing 757 and the length of its wings, and they concluded that the tragedy was rather the result of a missile fired by the US Air Force itself.

This thesis is based on excerpts from a surveillance camera installed in the Pentagon gardens, published in 2005, and many Internet users have interpreted the image of the transiting object as an elongated object of a missile and not an aircraft, and these explanations were supported by arguments, including the failure to find aircraft wreckage at the crash site However, the authors confirmed that the wreckage of the Boeing 757 was scattered in the Pentagon lawn, and the flight recorder had already been found in an alley in the Pentagon, and other pieces, as was seen by about 100 witnesses to the crash of a passenger plane in the Pentagon that day.

6/ Why did Tower 7 collapse spontaneously?

In the events of September 11, World Trade Center Building 7, which is relatively far from the Twin Towers, was destroyed, and it seemed to the Society of Architects and Engineers, a group of professionals with no real experience with the building structure, that this would prove that September 11 was It was prepared by the American devices, but several years of analysis showed that its collapse was due to fires, especially that the water tank was damaged, which made firefighting operations impossible.

7/ suspicious movements in stocks

Most economists agree that the level of sales on Wall Street in the days before the attacks was extraordinarily high, indeed "extremely rare" especially for shares of United Airlines, American Airlines and Delta Airlines, as well as insurance company Stanley, which occupied 22 floors of the World Trade Center. .

The Commission of Inquiry considered these anomalies and said, "Extraordinary movements in the stock market have indeed occurred, but it turns out that each of them has its own interpretation," although some interpreted the unusual movements as being caused by investors close to the base.

8/ Securing the tower operator

The authors said that after 3 years in the courts, the American businessman Larry Silverstein, the operator and not the owner of the twin towers, obtained $ 4.55 billion from the insurance company because he had insurance against terrorism, and even managed to obtain double compensation, claiming that the mall was subjected to two different attacks same day.

According to a stubborn conspiracy theory, he took that insurance just days before 9/11, a troubling coincidence to say the least, especially since he was away from his office on the day of the attack.

The fact of the matter is that the date of this insurance dates back to June 2001 - as the authors say - and it was agreed upon when Silverstein and the consortium he headed regained a 99-year lease, which entered into force in July 2001, in order to operate Towers 1, 2, 4 and 5 of The complex, having until then been administered by the Port Authority of New York.