It is regrettable that an orca, which has been trapped in an aquarium for over 40 years, has been caught banging its head against a wall and seemingly self-harm.

A killer whale repeatedly bumping its head against an aquarium wall, Kiska a killer whale living in an aquarium in Ontario, Canada.

Hit the head hard enough to overflow the aquarium water.

The Kiska was caught off the coast of Iceland in 1979 and has been living in this aquarium for over 40 years.

They also gave birth to five cubs, but unfortunately all of them died, and their friends have also passed away or have been moved to another facility, so they have been living alone since 2011.

For this reason, it is called 'the loneliest whale in the world'.

A whale expert said that Kiska's abnormal behavior is 'the result of stress caused by raising wild-caught killer whales in an artificial environment for 40 years.' ', he pointed out.

Netizens who saw the video also expressed their regrets, saying, 'How scary and frustrating it must be' and 'Please stop now.'