Some people hate waking up early and feel more energetic and productive at night, and they tend to do their chores when most of those around them are asleep.

Therefore, it is possible that these people throughout their lives feel judged by their way of living, and sometimes described as laziness, chaos and irregularity, as all persons are expected to adapt to the day schedule, says author Elena Sanz in her report published in the magazine "Lamenti es Merviosa" ( lamenteesmaravillosa) Spanish.

It is estimated that about 20% of people follow this chronological pattern during their daily routine.

These people reach their fullest potential after dark as they face severe difficulties in working during the early hours of the morning.

Moreover, these people spend their lives fighting their own inclinations to fit in with the rhythm of society and can be considered unfit.

Nocturnal people spend their lives fighting their own inclinations to fit in with the rhythm of society and can be considered unfit (Shutterstock)

Night owl is not a whim

Many people believe that night owls choose to have a sleep schedule that does not fit into the social rhythm.

These people also lack the will to sleep and wake up early.

Moreover, several investigations have shown that the temporal pattern is determined, to a large extent, genetically.

Therefore, these people were actually born ready to show this nocturnal trend.

Some studies have also found that a genetic mutation has powerful effects on sleep patterns.

With regard to people who prefer a night-life, their cycle is long, which makes the person unable to sleep until morning, and suffers when the body tells him to wake up later than expected.

In the end, it is not optional, but rather a biological limitation.

People who prefer a late night life are unable to sleep until morning (Shutterstock)

Diagnosis of delayed sleep phase syndrome

The fact that the temporal pattern differed from person to person may have been an evolutionary feature in antiquity.

When people lived in small tribes, they made sure that someone was always awake and alert at every moment of the day and night.

However, society now follows a noticeable rhythm in the daytime.

Therefore, a person who follows the method of what is known as a night owl cannot adapt and suffers dire consequences.

For this reason, these people are generally diagnosed with the so-called delayed sleep phase disorder, meaning that they need to fall asleep and wake up several hours later than usual.

In fact, when these people are allowed to choose their sleep schedule, they enjoy adequate rest in terms of quantity and quality.

According to studies, after 10 hours of wakefulness, night lovers provide greater brain activity in areas related to attention (Shutterstock)

Stay mentally alert for longer

In her report, author Sanz says that we generally tend to think of waking up early as more energetic and productive.

On the other hand, this is not entirely true.

If we talk about the number of hours an individual can remain alert and mentally active, people with this disorder will top the list.

Some studies have found that after 10 hours of being awake, night lovers report greater brain activity in areas related to attention.

Although nightlifers seem to have superior inductive reasoning, nocturnal people tend to do worse academically and at work (Getty Images)

Better scores on IQ tests

For a long time, we all knew that intelligence is multiple, and abilities differ from one person to another.

However, night-timers score higher than their morning counterparts on tests that measure general intelligence, or the so-called "G" factor.

Despite this advantage, as well as the fact that their ability to think inductively appears to be superior, nocturnal people tend to have worse academic and work performance.

This is due to the fact that they are forced to perform in their shorter working hours, in addition to the great sleep deprivation that prevents them from behaving optimally.

People who follow the night owl method are more creative

In addition to the above, night owls seem to be more creative.

Those who stay up while others sleep, show an edge when it comes to finding alternative solutions and applying different and innovative perspectives.

Getting used to waking up at night is not a positive thing in all cases, as studies have found that these people are more likely to develop several diseases (Shutterstock)

These people are more likely to get sick

Getting used to waking up at night is not always a positive thing, as various studies have found that these people are more likely to develop diabetes, obesity, stress, and psychological and nervous disorders, and they are 10% more likely to die.

Again, this is closely related to the inability to adjust to schedules, which leads to not getting enough sleep, lower quality, poor diet and worse lifestyle habits.

Despite all of the above, we cannot forget that individual differences exist. In addition, the results presented are merely general results and do not specify the characteristics or performance of all persons. It should be noted that not everyone who wakes up early is less creative, and not everyone who prefers to stay up late will get sick, it all depends on individual circumstances at the genetic and environmental level.