Afghan translator Hamid Ahmadi was criticized for commenting on the small amounts of food provided to him and all refugees in Texas, which may not exceed 200 calories.

Not complaining but this is what I got last night for dinner and the next meal is 12 hours later.

Refugee life might be safe but never easy & favorable.

Fort bliss El Paso Texas.

#AfghanRefugees #afghanistan

— Hamed Ahmadi (@ahmadihamed_) September 2, 2021

"I'm not complaining, but that's what I got last night from dinner," Ahmadi wrote. "Next meal in 12 hours. Refugee life may be safe, but it's not easy and convenient."

The Afghan interpreter - whom the United States postponed with it before the last withdrawal date - faced a wave of criticism demanding that he accept what is offered to him, give thanks for what he gets, or return again to his country, as the Republican journalist Tim Young told him, "I will be happy to pay for your ticket back."

In a related context, political analyst Ereli Davidson said, "This meal is better than the spoiled biscuits we fed the National Guard forces when they slept in the garages of the Capitol."

This post is from a refugee who is now at Fort Bliss in Texas, posted from his iPhone.

He doesn't like the meals being served to him.

I was unable to reach a homeless veteran to ask how they like their free meals and free housing because they don't get those things.

— Amy Tarkanian (@MrsT106) September 4, 2021

I'd be happy to pay for your ticket to go back… since it's so rough here that you have to take your sandwich apart and put the bread out of the shot.

— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) September 5, 2021

And it wasn't just Republican Americans. "How about saying thank you? Be grateful, be humble, and show some dignity, no one owes you anything," said professor of humanities Jad Saad, identifying himself as a Lebanese immigrant.

On the other hand, some tweeters deplored racist comments, and others expressed his right as a refugee to have a decent life without gratitude or thanks to anyone, in accordance with international law that protects his right not only to get a meal every 12 hours.

Got a free trip to America while Americans are being held hostage by the Taliban, and the ingrate is complaining about the food.

— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) September 5, 2021

This is unconscionable in the richest nation in the world

— rabia O'chaudry (@rabiasquared) September 6, 2021

America faces strong objections from Republicans to receive refugees, especially after Trump lost the previous presidential election and lifted the ban he imposed on many countries, which Biden approved once he won his office.