• Green pass: the government accelerates towards Thursday's CDM.

    Pd and M5s against Lega: "inconsistent"

  • The Green passed to parliamentary scrutiny.

    The majority withdraw the amendments, no confidence

  • Green pass: towards the extension.

    Confindustria-trade unions: the state pays the costs of tampons

  • Green pass decree in the Chamber.

    Draghi receives Landini at Palazzo Chigi

  • Clash in the majority on the Green pass after the stop of the Carroccio in committee

  • Green pass: the Social Affairs Commission approves an extension of validity to 12 months

  • Green pass, Lazio Tar rejects school staff appeal

  • Green Pass, Letta: League out of the majority, clarify.

    Salvini: free tampons if there is an obligation

  • Green pass, now mandatory on buses, planes and trains.

    Armored stations against no-vax

  • Tourism, holiday boom in Italy, foreigners return.

    Cna: "Green pass effect"


08 September 2021 In the Chamber, the examination of the Covid decree law that contains the rules on the Green pass resumes, extends the national state of emergency to the end of the year and reviews the health parameters for the passage of color in the regions of the country. The text, which will also have to be discussed by the Senate, expires on 21 September. There are still about twenty amendments to be voted on, some by secret ballot. 

The extension of the mandatory green pass to employees of the public administration and the private sector from October could come with a law decree of a single article in the Council of Ministers on Thursday, after the control room. As for the cost of tampons - a point on which the social partners have not yet found a common position - they should be free only for workers exempt from vaccination for health reasons.

Hope: "Data to be evaluated, if necessary we will do the obligation"

"In these hours we are working for the extension of the green pass and then we will evaluate the data. If the data make the obligation necessary we will not be afraid but we still need a few weeks of study. It is not a choice already made but a possible option that constitution allows "The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza said." Today there are more doses, imagining the obligation in a previous season would have been illusory, but today with more doses is a possibility to be evaluated, on the data of next month and half, "he added. 

Salvini: "No ambiguity, everyone was informed"

Meanwhile, the controversy within the majority after the vote in the House of the Carroccio with the Brothers of Italy against the Green pass for restaurants did not go out. The leader of the League, Matteo Salvini explains: "We guarantee a balance between the right to health and the right to work. If we had listened to Speranza and those like him, today we would all still be locked in the house. Go hungry." And he continues: "We have improved the green pass", "in the end we vote three or four amendments. And we have withdrawn ours because otherwise they would have put the trust and there would not have been a discussion that I believe is important". Then he replies to those who accuse the Carroccio of ambiguity: "The vaccines have entered 40 million homes, and that's fine. The green pass is also fine in stadiums,in theaters and public events. But can we still have the freedom to ask for free tampons? "," I was talking to a mother who has three children, three kids who play sports: she told me that to cover her children with tampons, she would need 600 euros a month. It's possible? We have brought home the extension of validity of the green passes from 9 to 12 months, we have secured hoteliers who risked losing customers at lunch and dinner, now we are asking that restaurateurs are not further penalized. There are many other things that are difficult to understand "," I read that the Viterbo rave was not so unexpected. And that even, the arriving campers would have been escorted by the police. That wouldn't be easy to understand ","we will immediately submit a question. And if confirmed, this would require the immediate resignation of the Minister of the Interior. One minute after confirmation ". 

In confirmation of the position of the League, Claudio Borghi, speaking in the Chamber during the examination of the Green pass decree, reiterated "Our choice is to support very few amendments that we consider essential".

Tinagli: "You can't play with citizens' health"

The Democratic Party remains very critical of the League, which today asks for a clarification from Salvini's party with Deputy Secretary Irene Tinagli: "We don't play with the health of citizens and with the credibility of the country in fight against covid to wink at a few slices of the electorate "he said in an interview with Corriere della Sera.

Conte: "We need clear support for the vaccination campaign"

"We need clear support for the vaccination campaign, this is our goal". To face the pandemic, avoiding new closures, we must "look at the experiences of the most advanced countries" in our commitment and "we must use the most effective tools, and the Green pass is the one most at hand". That said, "if you have to discuss with the categories, such as restaurateurs, they will convene at Palazzo Chigi and discuss their needs". So Giuseppe Conte, president of M5S, says it to Agorà on Rai 3.

Tajani: "Center-right unit is not based on Green pass duration"

"Letta attacks on the League? Enrico Letta exploits for electoral purposes, the Democratic Party is in difficulty, the center-right is growing and tries to cause damage to the center-right stability, having said that we are in favor of the green pass, the goal of saving lives and activities". This was stated by the national coordinator of Forza Italia, Antonio Tajani, guest of "Morning News". "The unity of the center-right is not based on the duration of the green pass, these are technical choices, we must vaccinate the largest number of citizens trying to convince those who have doubts" he added "the green pass is very useful, it does not create who knows what problems" .

Pharaoh: "All ballets, no instability"

“All the political ballets that are taking place on the green pass are linked to the next administrative elections, I don't think there is any instability in the government. We must go in the direction of strengthening the green pass until herd immunity is reached, which unfortunately moves away with the variants. If there have been increases in vaccinations it has been thanks to the introduction of the green pass, without which the percentage of vaccinated people would have been much lower. The choice of the green pass and not of the obligation is the result of the gradualness of this government, something that was lacking in Conte who instead often took impromptu decisions.Now we have to think about the school but in general I am very satisfied with the data of the vaccination campaign because it shows that those who have been vaccinated spread the infection less and do not end up in intensive care. The path is therefore the right one ”, said the president of the senators of Italy Viva Davide Faraone.