It was just before 5 pm on Monday that the three IS women arrived at Arlanda, after being expelled from the Kurdish autonomy in northern Syria.

Six of their children were on the plane.

Jonas Trolle, head of the Center for Violent Extremism, now confirms that all children have been taken into care according to LVU, the law on the care of young people.

- These children are just like on previous occasions taken care of by the social services, Trolle says at 3 pm on Tuesday.

Close cooperation

Yvonne Thelander, social director in the municipality of Norrköping does not want to comment on the information.

- I do not want to comment on the individual cases at all, she says to SVT News.

According to Yvonne Thelander, a municipality can request immediate care of children in particularly serious cases.

The request is next determined by the administrative court.

There are no specific measures to take care of children who have been in extremist environments in the municipality of Norrköping.

- On the other hand, we work closely with CVE who have knowledge of what is important in such specific cases, says Thelander.

"No socializing at all"

How one goes out of care is individual.

According to Trolle, it can look very different from case to case, and is based on the child's needs.

Two of the three Swedish IS women deported to Sweden have been arrested.

Both are suspected of war crimes, the Public Prosecutor's Office states.

- Then it is of course the case that you have no contact at all.

They are taken care of.

But you can be taken care of with your parent as well, says Jonas Trolle.

About ten Swedish women and upwards of about twenty children are still in IS prison camps in northeastern Syria.

According to information to SVT, everyone will be flown back to Sweden in three different rounds during September.