
06 September 2021 It will be the autopsy to clarify the causes of the death of Chiara Ugolini, the 27-year-old from Fumane (Verona) found lifeless last night in an apartment in Calmasino di Bardolino, where she had moved to work in a room of the father of the fiancé.   

It was the partner who found the dead young woman, after being alarmed because she had not shown up to work for the afternoon shift, and was not answering phone calls.

The girl's body had a head wound, but it will be the autopsy examination - ordered by the magistrates on duty - to establish the causes of death.   

Chiara Ugolini may have been the victim of a violent struggle, falling to the ground. Investigators confirmed that they found no traces of house break-ins, and investigations are currently targeting people who may have been in contact with the girl, starting with the neighbors.