Of the 27 covid patients who have been cared for at the county's hospital since 1 August, 23 were unvaccinated.

One of the patients had received one dose of covid vaccine, while the other three had had time to receive two doses each.

- We have received many questions about how many of the patients have been vaccinated and we always want to be open if we can.

Now we have come to the conclusion that we can present the figures at this level without it being too pointed out to the patients, says Maria Karlsson, information director in Region Sörmland.

The region will update the statistics twice a week, as long as the workload is not too high.

- It is a manual job.

The vaccinations are not recorded in the same journal, so you have to sit down and gather the information by hand.

At the moment we do not have that many patients, so then it goes well, says Maria Karlsson.

At present, ten covid patients are cared for in Sörmland hospitals, of which four receive intensive care.