The local ward has extended the permission to install the statue of a girl symbolizing the comfort women issue, which was set up by a Korean citizen group last year on the public land in Berlin, the capital of Germany, for one year.

The Embassy of Japan in Berlin has decided to continue to demand early removal, saying that it is "unacceptable because of the position of the Japanese government."

In the Mitte district of Berlin, a Korean citizen group installed a statue of a girl symbolizing the comfort women issue on a public land in a residential area last September.

After that, the ward once revoked the permission to set up, saying, "It is a historical problem between nations, and we must avoid standing on one side." Installation was allowed for a period of one year.

However, according to the ward, following the recommendation of the arts committee, it was decided to extend the installation permit for one year until September next year.

Regarding this, the Embassy of Japan in Berlin said, "It is unacceptable because of the position of the Japanese government," and will continue to demand early removal.