In order to support refugees who have fled the country from Afghanistan, where the Taliban has seized power, the United States is preparing to send food, etc., mainly by the private sector.

Since the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan last month, many have fled the country and more than 23,000 have arrived in the continental United States.

Preparations are underway in various parts of the United States to support these people, and on the 4th, food was boxed in southern Virginia hosted by an NGO made up of Muslims and others.

Approximately 70 volunteers who participated lined up tables in a corner of the warehouse and put pasta, etc., which was divided into small portions for each meal, in a bag and packed it in cardboard.

According to this NGO, support groups in each region have requested a total of 300,000 meals, and we will continue these activities for the next six months or more.

The woman who participated said, "It's painful to see the video from Afghanistan, but I've been thinking of doing what I can. Even if one person's power is small, I think that cooperation will be a big help." Was there.

Many of the refugees from Afghanistan are currently in the process of relocating to military bases in various parts of the United States, and the food prepared this time will be provided when they leave the bases and start their lives.