A number of people have submitted an anonymous report to the discrimination ombudsman after the church council's working committee in Simrishamn has decided that unvaccinated people should not be allowed to sing in the adult choir.

Bishop Johan Tyrberg believes that he understands both sides, but that he agrees with the congregation.

- The Church of Sweden should welcome everyone.

But that does not mean that we welcome everyone in all situations, says Johan Tyrberg, and continues:

- For example, we have required other types of vaccinations for certain trips abroad.

And in the chamber choir, we have knowledge requirements regarding music reading.

So some are left out in some situations.

Follows the DO case

Johan Tyrberg has no influence regarding Simrishamn's parish, but he backs their decision.

- During the pandemic, we have had to make certain restrictions to take the pandemic into account.

It will be interesting to see what the discrimination ombudsman does for assessment in this case, he says.

Hear Bishop Johan Tyrberg in the clip above.