When all teaching now takes place on site, the risk of the spread of infection increases.

Therefore, principals around Sörmland are now trying to find ways to reduce the spread of infection in school environments.

The infection control doctor has received several calls from a handful of schools in the county where several students have become ill.

- There are many who are trying right now, he says.


Because it has only been two weeks since the start of school, the infection control unit at Region Sörmland has not been able to establish whether everyone has been infected at school or if they have been infected elsewhere.

- It is too early, says Signar Mäkitalo.

Can be offered vaccines at school

In other parts of the country, high school students have been offered vaccination at school and this is something that may also be relevant in Sörmland.

- I have presented it as a proposal but then it is up to those who handle it to see concretely how they can solve it, he says.

But what can schools do to reduce the spread of infection?

In the clip above, the infection control doctor Signar Mäkitalo tells more about it.