The questionable withdrawal of German soldiers and their local staff from Afghanistan became the chancellor candidates' introductory, and composing, topic of debate.

The Christian Democrats 'Armin Laschet (CDU), the Greens' Anna-Lena Bearbock (Die Grünen) tried to reach the Social Democrats Ola Scholz (SPD), who is currently leading slightly according to a new survey.

Wild criticism is met by calm defense

"This is a catastrophic failure for both the Western and Federal governments," Laschet (CDU) said.

Bearbock (Die Grunen) was involved in the counterattack.

- You have let domestic policy motives outweigh foreign policy responsibilities, she said with a pointing finger at Scholz.

Scholz, on the other hand, seemed to resist all criticism.

The foreign correspondent explains

According to SVT's foreign reporter Christoffer Wenndick, who reported directly from Berlin on Monday night, it may be that the Social Democrat's popularity comes from the fact that he, somewhat contradictory, is the one who is most similar to Angela Merkel.

This despite the fact that they come from different parties.

- One must ask the question: Is it the case that the Germans, after 16 years with Angela Merkel, have become so marked by the fact that this is how a chancellor should be and sound?

In any case, he is the one who is most similar to Merkel in style.

It's incredibly smooth.

If so, how does it affect the ability to form a government?

- The battle for first place is extremely important.

Three parties are needed to form a government.

And there are four to five possible combinations of parties.

Therefore, it is difficult for a German voter today to know how his vote will affect which government he will be.

The result remains to be seen, the German election will be held on 26 September.