At 10.30pm on Monday night, the confirmation came from the Pentagon.

The last American plane has now taken off from Afghanistan.

On Monday evening, there will be reports from the airport that there is calm and despair at the site, according to SVT's reporter and Middle East correspondent Samir Abu Eid in SVT's Aktuellt.

At the same time, the security threat is great and earlier in the day rockets were fired at the airport, which the USA managed to avert.

"Made life better for the Afghans"

After 20 years in Afghanistan - and the United States' longest war to date - the question is now being raised by experts, politicians and people who have taken part in the operation: Was it worth it?

One who thinks it's Afghanistan veteran Callis Amid.

- Without security, aid has no effect.

It does not matter if you build girls' schools if they are allowed to burn down, he says.

Amid himself was close to losing his life during his service.

- We made life better for the Afghans in many respects.

Because of our efforts, Afghanistan became a slightly better place on earth.

Split opinions

The US-led invasion of Afghanistan came in the wake of the 9/11 attacks in 2001. The official goal was to eradicate the al-Qaeda terrorist group and remove the Taliban regime.

It has cost countless lives and astronomical sums.

60,000 members of the Afghan security forces have been killed and at least 2,300 American and 5 Swedish soldiers.

Jan Eliasson is chairman of Stockholm's international peace research institute, Sipri, and former deputy secretary general of the UN.

In a subsequent debate in Aktuellt, he calls what has happened "a gloomy development".

Jesper Hour, a journalist and author, goes so far as to call it "a catastrophic failure".

- At the same time, a lot has happened.

It is a whole generation that has grown up now under other conditions, says Eliasson.

- The problem is that you have been drawn into a kind of civil war, on the one hand, says Hour.

Hear SVT's Samir Abu Eid about the last hours of the evacuations from Kabul airport, in the clip above.

And watch the whole debate on SVT Play.