"A glaring example is the practice that is actively used by the United States in the real hunt for our citizens abroad and arrests in third countries of our citizens at the request of the United States law enforcement agencies and an attempt to take our citizens out to bring them to justice in the United States," he said in conversation with RIA Novosti Lukyantsev.

According to him, more than 50 similar cases have been known since 2008, and this number continues to grow.

The diplomat added that when the Russians appear before an American court, they are under intense pressure.

They are trying to persuade them to cooperate with the investigation or to admit guilt.

Lukyantsev noted that various pressure techniques are used against Russian citizens, for example, "persuasion."

It is also possible denial of medical care or its untimely provision.

As an example, he cited the cases of the pilot Konstantin Yaroshenko, businessman Viktor Bout and others.

Earlier in the RT material it was reported that the US Congress called for the release of the Americans imprisoned in Russia.