The number of new infections in Frankfurt continues to rise, on Monday the incidence was 111.9, i.e. just under 112 out of 100,000 people contracted the corona virus in one week.

According to the prevention and escalation concept of the state of Hesse, the city has to react with restrictions if the incidence is above the value of 100 for three days in a row.

Monika Ganster

Editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

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However, the retail sector does not have to fear any new requirements for the time being, and the existing restrictions should not be changed, announced health department head Stefan Majer (Die Grünen). In its concept, the state provided for a limit on the number of customers depending on the size of the shop.

In Frankfurt, at least in the outdoor area, one would like to forego the contact restrictions imposed by the state.

Therefore, only indoors is that no more than 10 people from different households should meet, children up to and including 14 years, recovered and fully vaccinated people do not count.

With this, Frankfurt joins the Offenbach regulation, which aims to lure groups into the open air, because there the risk of infection is significantly lower.

In any case, contact restrictions can hardly be controlled in private apartments; the authorities usually only notice them when there is a reported disturbance of the peace caused by degenerate parties.

FPP-2 mask not only in buses and trains

The city would like to use its leeway and will specify the state's requirements in a new general decree, which will probably only come into force on Wednesday, said the health department head. Coordination at the municipal level is necessary beforehand, the requirements must be based on the statutory regulations and ordinances of the state and federal government, and finally the general decree must be published in the official gazette before it can take effect.

The FFP2 mask is mentioned in several places in the new regulations: It is mandatory for passengers in local public transport and in future it will probably also be mandatory for all unvaccinated employees in old people's and care facilities in order to protect the particularly endangered group of the very old protect even though the elderly are almost all vaccinated. Initially, it was also considered to impose this on the unvaccinated employees in children's community facilities. Employees without immunization should wear an FFP2 mask to protect the youngest who cannot yet be vaccinated.

These masks, which make everyday life safe but difficult, are recognizable for everyone.

So parents, so it was thought, might come up with the idea that every educator with an FFP2 mask is not vaccinated because who would wear it if he didn't have to.

Such a display of the vaccination status is apparently going too far for the city.

According to reports, there is only talk of the obligation to wear a medical mask in day-care centers.

Tracking down virus importers

The 3G rule applies to indoor and outdoor restaurants as well as to larger events: guests must be vaccinated, recovered or tested. The state rule stipulates the limit of 100 tested guests indoors and 200 guests outdoors. Vaccinated persons and genesis are not counted, so significantly more people can come together overall. In addition, much larger events can also be realized, such as Eintracht Frankfurt games in the home stadium, provided that a corresponding application is made to the health department and a convincing hygiene concept is available, says Health Department Majer.

However, despite all caution, incidences are likely to continue to rise as the week progresses.

This will probably be ensured by the regular tests in schools, which are mandatory for teachers and students three times a week.

The aim is to track down those returning from their travels who have brought the virus with them from their vacation unnoticed.

The health department expects to discover numerous symptom-free infections in children, which in turn indicate infections in relatives.

As a precautionary measure, the number of employees in the authority who is supposed to follow up on contact persons for those infected has been increased.

In Hesse, the incidence rose to 76.1 on Monday, the Robert Koch Institute announced.

A week earlier it was 56.9.