
30 August 2021 Possible serious risks also for pregnant women and children: the appeal to the Ministry of Health of neonatologists, pediatricians and gynecologists arrives to accelerate the vaccination of pregnant and lactating women and children over 12 years of age.

The appeal is signed by Sin (Italian Society of Neonatology), President Fabio Mosca, Sip (Italian Society of Pediatrics), President Annamaria Staiano, Sigo (Italian Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics), President Antonio Chiàntera, Aogoi (Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Hospital Italians), president Elsa Viora, Agui (Association of Italian University Gynecologists), president Nicola Colacurci, Simp (Italian Society of Perinatal Medicine), president Luca Ramenghi, Agite (Association of territorial gynecologists), president Valeria Dubini, Espnic (European Society of Pediatric Reanimation and Neonatale), president Daniele De Luca.