• Project Nacho Cano wants to build a theater on a site where José Luis Moreno planned to build the Coliseum of the Three Cultures

The Madrid City Council considers that Nacho Cano's project for the construction of a theater in Hortaleza is "vital" because it allows "to transfer culture to the peripheral districts" of the city "through the arrival of a great musical production" .

For this reason, it is going to make a temporary use transfer of the municipal plot of 19,000 square meters in which the new cultural space will be built for a

maximum of four years


In return, the former member of Mecano will have to pay an

annual fee of 450,000 euros

for the rental of the land.

Once the period is over, you will have to return it so that it can be used for "the forecasts that are had at the time" of public endowments for the area.

The details of the agreement were revealed this Thursday by the Councilor for Urban Development of Madrid,

Mariano Fuentes

, after EL MUNDO advanced that the Consistory had begun the processing of the works license requested by

Malinche The Musical Spain SL

, of which Cano is sole administrator. «We had been working on this project for almost two years (...). It has been a great effort in which all parties have worked very hard to make it possible, "he stressed.

The theater will be located on a site that has been disused for decades, which occupies a complete block at number 30

of Machupichu avenue

and which is located one kilometer from the Ice Palace and two kilometers from the Ifema fairgrounds. In that same place the ventriloquist and television producer

José Luis Moreno

planned in 2002 to build the Coliseum of the Three Cultures, but he never did.

In the surroundings of Nacho Cano they also confirmed this Thursday that the project is well advanced.

Collaborating with him are

David Hatchwell,

a "prestigious businessman", with experience in the music sector and president of the real estate group Excem Real Estate, and

Pablo Alarcón

, a lawyer who has known the musician since they were classmates with five years.

All three are "good friends", according to the same sources.

What for the moment has not transpired is the schedule of the works and neither the date of the premiere.

The process is now in

the license processing


after having been subjected to a period of allegations of five business days during this month of August.

«The truth is that today there is no provision by any other public administration to make any new provision from the educational or health point of view and, therefore, we understand and consider that the best use to give this plot it is cultural, because we understand that it is what the district of Hortaleza deserves ”, justified the delegate of Urban Development.

"In addition, it is a way of trying to generate in these four years a new

cultural node outside the center

of our city," he added.

The spokesperson for Más Madrid in the Assembly, Mónica García, criticized the "impudent favorable treatment" such as the one she considers that the regional president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has given Cano with this municipal project and that, in her opinion, reduces the society to "a club of friends who share the common."

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