Europe 1 4:21 p.m., August 27, 2021

Animator of Europe 1 and defender of heritage, Stéphane Bern attacks wind power, "the great deception of our time".

On Europe 1, Friday, he explains that the opposition between "Parisian bobos" and "rural people" can further fracture France.


It is a rant against an energy which has, according to him, "nothing ecological", contrary to what its promoters defend.


Le Figaro

, Friday, Stéphane Bern sharply criticizes wind turbines and those who take it to the skies.

The host of Europe 1, who officiates in

Historically yours

, every day from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., repeated at the microphone of Romain Desarbres in

Europe Midi


According to him, "the French are upwind" against this elements which "destroy nature and landscapes".

"Bobos" against "rural"

"The French are tired of these wind turbines which destroy heritage, which kill birds, the LPO says it, and it is a real deception since people are made to believe that it is ecological, while it is not. is not at all ", Stéphane Bern.

"I believed that we had to fight against the artificialization of soils and that once again gives intermittent electricity, which is expensive and which is not carbon-free unlike nuclear power."

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Above all, Stéphane Bern sees in this question of wind power a factor of division among the French.

"We are once again fracturing French society, which does not need that. It is fractured between Parisian bobos or city dwellers and rural dwellers. You know, it's easy when you're in a nice Parisian apartment to say 'they are rural people, bumpy people, we are going to put them wind turbines, it's good for the environment.' In reality, why don't they take it home, on the Butte Montmartre? "

A "at the same time" on wind turbines?

To support this fight against wind turbines, Stéphane Bern alerted the presidential couple.

Without success ?

"Brigitte Macron said that I was a kind of 'Don Quixote who was going to war against these new windmills' and the President told me 'yes, but ...'" on this subject, he laments.

"It's the 'at the same time', I get the feeling."

However, before the summer, the government tightened the conditions for installing these wind turbines in the region.

Not enough, obviously, in the eyes of Stéphane Bern.

I believed that we had to fight against the artificialization of soils and this gives once again intermittent electricity, which is expensive and which is not carbon-free unlike nuclear power.