Good evening,

virologists are sought-after contacts - and are usually difficult to reach in these turbulent and labor-intensive times.

Our editor Thorsten Winter still managed to interview Sandra Ciesek, a virologist at the Frankfurt University Clinic.

Ciesek has been known throughout Germany at least since her participation in the podcast "Coronavirus Update", for which she and Christian Drosten are available as a contact person. 

Marie Lisa Kehler

Deputy head of the regional section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

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In an interview with the FAZ, she explains why the incidence still remains an important parameter for her as a key indicator in corona policy, even if the corona cabinet has said goodbye. The value, she says, should not be viewed on its own, but must be looked at “together with other indicators such as hospital occupancy or intensive care unit occupancy”. Ciesek strongly advises getting vaccinated: “Those who have not been vaccinated must be aware that they will come into contact with the virus at some point in the next few weeks or months and that they will most likely become infected. Even if you do not belong to any risk group and, for example, have certain previous illnesses, it is very difficult to get sick or even die from Covid-19. "Especially with the Delta variant, it became clear that"That it is not enough for your own protection if many other people in the area get vaccinated".

The saying “Give the monkey sugar” could be the headline for the story that author Martina Propson-Hauck wrote for the FAZ. Because what a little monkey has to do with the fact that the young baker and confectioner Gerhard Eifler began to dream of running not just one, but many bakery branches, she writes down on the occasion of the company's anniversary. It was founded 100 years ago. The former small business has become a large company that employs hundreds of people, operates 75 branches in the Rhine-Main area and sells around 65,000 rolls, more than 10,000 loaves and 23,000 Danish pastries to customers every day. The company is still firmly in family hands. The junior boss, Michael Eifler, formulates clear goals for the future: "Three to five new branches every year."

By the way, some of the Danish pastries can be found on the bike in the evenings. After all, a pudding pretzel doesn't burn itself. Those who cycle regularly cannot avoid recognizing that a lot has been done for cyclists for some time. Path networks are being expanded, cycle lanes are being painted, cycle superhighways are being built out of the ground. Some are happy. Others criticize the implementation. For example in Langen. A section of a cycle expressway connecting Darmstadt and Frankfurt is to be carried out there. The requirements are clear: as a rule, the paths should be at least four meters wide in order to enable smooth overtaking and oncoming traffic. But it is precisely these requirements that are not met on an approximately 100-meter-long section in Langen. The way is much narrowerresidents fear that there could be conflicts between walkers, drivers and cyclists. A dispute that will probably only be the first of many on the long route. Hans Dieter Erlenbach wrote down why it is ostensibly about broader paths, but somehow always about the principle.

And in addition, there are no new findings in the poison attack classified as an attempted murder at the Technical University of Darmstadt, even after the first witness interviews +++ the old oil factory in Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen is being converted into a cultural center +++ the Frankfurt Sports and Art Casino opens this weekend at the Centennial Hall.

Stay healthy,

Marie Lisa Kehler



for Thursday

Cloudy at temperatures up to 20 degrees, rain showers possible.


your birthday


Thursday, August 26th

Gerhard Wiese

, former senior public prosecutor, prosecutor in the Frankfurt Auschwitz trial, recipient of the Georg August Zinn Prize (93);

Siegbert Ortmann

, State Chairman of the Association of Expellees Hesse, Wiesbaden (81);

Susan Schubert

, managing director of the private brewery Michelsbräu, Babenhausen (70);

Geza Krebs-Wetzl

(CDU), Mayor of the city of Griesheim (61);

Ulrich Breuer

, Administrative Director of GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH and FAIR GmbH, Darmstadt (60);

Volker Horn

(CDU), district council chairman in the Offenbach district (53);

Mathias Schabow

, pianist living in Frankfurt (51).