Sayed signed up for the Foreign Ministry's Swedish list of people who can be evacuated from Kabul with the correct documentation.

Swedish citizenship or residence permit is required, as well as either a Swedish passport or other valid passport and a Swedish social security number.

He received an email confirming that he had registered on the list.

But the days go by and Sayed has not yet received any further indication from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about when he can go home.

Radio silence from Swedish authorities

- I have not received any help from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

I have tried to call them, email them, ask friends in Sweden to contact them.

Once I stood in a telephone queue for half an hour and then the call was interrupted, says Sayed.

He has also emailed the Swedish embassy in Kabul, which is currently in Sweden but will be active.

No answer there either.

- They have not done anything, and I have done everything you have to do, says Sayed.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Has started contacting Swedes

SVT Nyheter has been in contact with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which does not want to comment on the ongoing evacuation of Swedes in Afghanistan, other than what Foreign Minister Ann Linde (S) writes on Twitter.

There, she confirms that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has informed Swedes on the Swedish list about evacuation flights from Kabul.

"There are still great difficulties in getting to the airport and through the gates.

All countries are experiencing this problem and we are working on possible solutions at the airport in collaboration with other countries ", writes Ann Linde.

Uncertain location

Sayed says that the situation in Kabul is tense and that the food is out of stock in the shops.

He has seen the chaos that prevails at the airport where the Taliban fire water cannons to disperse people.

- Maybe you feel good physically but mentally you are stressed, worried.

You can not trust the situation that is here, what will happen in the future next week or in the coming days?

Evacuation in progress

On Friday afternoon, Swedish time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent an SMS to those registered on the Swedish list announcing that there will be several flights that can take people out of Kabul in the next few days. People with a Swedish passport or residence permit must be evacuated, but they must get to the airport themselves, it says in the text message that SVT has read. Sayed has all the paperwork to get home - the Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not answer.