Elisabeth Assayag & Emmanuel Duteil SEASON 2020 - 202114h59, August 20, 2021

For 14 years, Anne-Laure worked in the banking world.

But as she approached her forties and following the financial crisis of 2008, she moved away from the values ​​of this sector and decided to create her own business.

While raising her two pre-teens, she launched Bénévolt, a platform that connects young retirees with associations for volunteer missions.

In this special episode of "L'Envol" adapted from the program "La France Bouge" on Europe 1, Anne-Laure shares her story to give you, in turn, desires for a change of life.

How can you change your life without losing your family on the way?

How to find a balance between his professional life and his family life?

How to involve your family in your change of life?

After the testimony of Anne-Laure, the journalist of Europe 1 Carole Ferry and Adèle Galey, the presenter of the podcast "L'Envol" and co-founder of Ticket for change, decipher this subject in the company of Diane Rotcage.

This coach at the Aristote Institute, an organization that supports people who want to change their life, gives her advice on how to best succeed in their retraining. 

Three tips to get started on a new project without harming your family life

Set the rules of the game for yourself.

  When you embark on a new professional adventure, it is sometimes difficult to be as present as before for those around you.

Make time with your family.

Sacralize times with your loved ones, small rituals during which you banish the work from your mind. 

Speak, communicate.

 If a change of life concerns you first, your children, your friends, your relatives can also see upheavals.

Involve them, talk about your projects.

Trust yourself.

 Before jumping into the deep end, you may have concerns about your family balance.

But don't doubt yourself.

Doing what makes you happy is bound to have a beneficial effect on your children and loved ones. 

Speaker references: 

  • Anne-Laure's organization: Benevolt 

  • Diane Rotcage's organization: The Aristote Institute

Other references: 

Structures specializing in entrepreneurial support and women's empowerment:

  • The first

  • The Audacious

  • Empow'her

  • The Wonders