• Green pass, mandatory for canteens.

    Trade unions: "No to unilateral choices"

  • Green pass: Sicily, mandatory stop for access to public offices


20 August 2021 There are 37 contested sanctions, of which 19 to the managers of restaurants, bars, gyms, betting halls and arcades for not having ascertained possession of the COVID green certification, allowing patrons to consume food and drinks at the table inside the premises or by allowing access without verification. A further 18 violations were applied to customers and users for non-possession of the Green pass. This is what the Carabinieri Nucleus communicates.

"The penalties found during the checks carried out by the Carabinieri NAS - we read in note -3/4 are attributable to structures for the administration of food and drinks, such as restaurants, pizzerias and bars. The remainder was instead identified in gyms (24 %) and at gaming and betting halls (11%): in separate inspections conducted in three gyms in Viareggio (LU), Camaiore (LU) and Cervignano del Friuli (UD), the NAS of Livorno and Udine sanctioned the 3 holders of activities and 6 visitors without green certification, identified while exercising within the structure ". 

 "Among the particular situations, the NAS of Cremona contested 4 sanctions following failure to check access in the absence of a Green pass at a sandwich shop of a well-known international fast-food chain in Castelpusterlengo (MN) and at a restaurant in a well-known Italian company of Tex-Mex restaurants, located in the capital ".

"Overall - underline the Nas - administrative sanctions for € 14,800 were imposed. In addition to the verification of the green COVID certification, the NAS controls also concerned, at the same juncture, the correct application of the remaining containment measures to the pandemic spread, contesting 102 violations against bars, restaurants, leisure and tourist centers for non-use of masks, lack of information to users, lack of interpersonal distance and carrying out of activities that are not permitted. These include the intervention of the NAS at a nightclub in the province of Cremona, in which dancing activities were taking place irregularly, however without respecting the interpersonal distance between the patrons.the manager was sanctioned and the immediate suspension of the dance activity was ordered ".