According to Sara Byfors, unit manager at the Swedish Public Health Agency, the increase in infection in the regions has mainly three explanations.

- It is a combination of a more contagious variant, that there are still many unvaccinated in society and to some extent a changed behavior where you have more contact with other people, says Sara Byfors at a press conference.

Testing for covid-19 has also increased somewhat and the Swedish Public Health Agency now also encourages those with mild symptoms to test themselves - vaccinated included.

Those who have traveled outside Sweden and the Nordic countries are also encouraged to both test themselves and stay at home after arrival, pay extra attention to symptoms and keep their social contacts down.

"Take the second dose"

The authority urges anyone who has not yet been vaccinated to do so as soon as possible.

- Protect yourself, protect others from serious illness.

Also remember to take the second dose, it is only when you get a high and long-lasting protection.

To get as far as we need, more people need to be vaccinated.

And that is a prerequisite for us to be able to lift the restrictions that still exist in society, says Sara Byfors.

- It is mainly unvaccinated people who become infected.

New situation in healthcare

After a long period of reduced corona patients in intensive care, the number is now increasing slightly.

- The trend now seems to be broken, says Thomas Lindén at the National Board of Health and Welfare.

Of the proportion of patients with covid-19 on IVA, 90 percent of those enrolled are not fully vaccinated.

About 70 percent are completely unvaccinated.

- The vast majority who are admitted are either unvaccinated or have underlying fragility or disease, says Thomas Lindén.

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What is the role of the spread of infection right now?

Hear virus researcher Ali Mirazimi's answer to the question in the clip above.

Photo: SVT