With age, the ability of the skin to renew its cells diminishes, which leads to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the face, but there are some safe treatment methods that have shown great effectiveness in delaying the signs of aging.

In a report, the Marie Claire website mentioned, in its Russian version, that the age of 30 is the age at which signs of aging begin to appear, as the skin loses some of its elasticity and freshness, and one of the most common problems at this age is age spots (spots). sun), freckles, vasodilation, acne, fine wrinkles, and skin discoloration.

Intense Pulsed Light Technology

To counteract these unwanted signs, a beauty clinic has developed an innovative program based on skin rejuvenation using intense pulsed light, as well as a set of effective anti-aging and depigmentation steps.

This treatment is not based on surgical intervention, does not require long-term rehabilitation, and does not affect the daily routine and habits, as usual cosmetics can be used safely.

This treatment program not only rejuvenates and refreshes the skin, but also slows down the signs of aging.

Halo laser technology

The site says that with approaching the age of 40, home skin care becomes insufficient, and a regular visit to beauticians is essential for anti-aging.

The “Halo Laser” technology is one of the best treatment programs that have been invented in recent years, and it does something like “reprogramming” the skin to get rid of enlarged pores, pigmentation and acne scars, and improve the condition of the skin in general.

The most prominent feature of the "Halo Laser" technology is its effect in the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating the production of collagen.

Ultrasound tensile

After the age of 45, it is time to follow some anti-aging treatments, especially as the skin becomes more sensitive at this age, which is manifested in sagging eyelids and the appearance of the wattle (double chin).

Ultrasound tightening - without surgical intervention - or what is known as "Altera" treatment is one of the best techniques for preserving facial skin at such an age.

This technology guarantees a long-lasting effect, gives the face an oval shape, defined lip, chin and eyelid lines, and completely eliminates fine wrinkles.

Asymmetry of facial features, drooping eyebrows and mouth, appearance of nasolabial folds and folds between the corners of the lips, and swelling of the skin of the face and neck are among the signs of aging that require treatment with this technique.

One session of treatment takes between 40 and 60 minutes, and one of its side effects is slight redness that disappears shortly after the session.