Several decades ago, the American and Russian space agencies were able to monitor unusual electromagnetic bursts from a mysterious source in the constellation Sagittarius. It is a planet in one form, and a comet in another, so some have given it the name "the planet with guilt", influenced by the Arab heritage.

Usually, the story begins, on one of the Facebook groups or hashtags on Twitter and Instagram, with a claim similar to what was mentioned in the previous paragraph, but in fact the story of “Nibiru” or “the planet with a tail” began precisely in the nineties of the last century, when an American citizen named Nancy Lidar claimed (1) That she communicated with gray-colored aliens, which she called "the Olives." These organisms implanted a communication device in her brain in order to study her as a human being.

In return for this biological service that Mrs. Lidar rendered to the gray creatures, they told her a very secret information, which is that there is a large body called "Planet X" that will soon pass the Earth and destroy civilization.

Lidar described the object as a sphere, four times the size of Earth, and said it would arrive on May 27, 2003.

Of course nothing came, otherwise you wouldn't read this now, Leder said afterwards that she lied deliberately to deceive governments, because if they announced the true date of the approach of the planet, it would give the authority enough time to declare martial law and lock people in cities, at that point in time appears (2) "Zakaria Situation", an American writer of Russian origin who was theorizing about the hypothesis of "ancient aliens", as he claimed that aliens visited Earth thousands of years ago, and told the Sumerians the secrets of astronomy, including that a planet called "Nibiru" is approaching Earth and has He collides with it soon, and according to Sechin's interpretation of ancient Mesopotamian religious texts, Nibiru passes every 3,600 years.

The matter reached its climax in 2012, when some archeology enthusiasts interpreted pages from the texts of the ancient Mayan civilization, and said that it referred to the end of the world in 2012, specifically December 31, due to the approach of one of the planets from Earth, which will cause volcanoes, earthquakes and severe hurricanes. Ending human life, that was the biggest global “trend” at that period, to the point that it was used to make a movie with the same story (2012), and it caused controversy in the Arab world at the time because of scenes related to the Kaaba, but nothing happened of course, and the night passed The last of this year in peace.

Do you think it stopped there and people were convinced it was just a myth?

It started all over again in 2017, when a conspiracy theorist named David Mead (3) called himself "Christian numerologist" put the idea back up.

This time Mead linked his claims to various passages of the Bible, and said the Bible contains secret numerical symbols that reveal the exact date he would reach Nibiru, October 2017, but later revised the date to September 23.

Mead also claimed that he used the geometry of the pyramids of Giza to predict the exact date of the arrival of Nibiru, which introduced the ancient Egyptian civilization in the story, specifically some used the symbol of the winged sun or "the good-winged sun" and said that it represents the planet Nibiru, and indeed some images of the sun from one of the telescopes The agency shows what appears to be a winged "crime"!

Once again, nothing happened, but the story continued, and branched into hundreds of stories, and Arab bloggers linked it to hadiths narrated from the Prophet Muhammad - may God bless him and grant him peace -, and they interpreted Quranic verses as referring to the date of Nibiru approaching the earth, which gave this myth a degree of solidity that made it continue. And it expands, to the point that whoever doubts it can be accused of violating the word of God!

From an astronomical point of view (4), it is not possible for one of the planets to come so close to the Earth without realizing its presence, as it will be luminous in the sky for several months or years before its arrival, as planets such as Jupiter or Saturn do throughout the year, this means that the planet Nipro It would have been seen in the telescopes of amateur astronomers all over the world, not just space agencies. Anyone who owns an average telescope, such as the author of the report and thousands like him in the Arab world, can simply notice its presence, and on the other hand, the passage of a relatively large planet among the other planets would have clearly affected It is so intense in its orbits that astronomers and amateur astronomers all over the world can observe it from very long distances, and therefore "Nibiru" is certainly not even among the eight planets of the solar system.

As for the claim that “Nibro” takes an orbit around the sun once every 3600 years, it also cannot be true (5), as the presence of a planet that penetrates the orbits of other planets in this way would have pushed the planetary system around the sun to collapse billions of years ago, and therefore, the belief remained Most likely, this planet does not exist in the first place.

As for the images that conspiracy theorists cite as "evidence of the existence of Nibro", in which a winged object appears next to the sun, they are in fact the result of so-called "false images", taken by solar telescopes such as "SOHO" ), for the purpose of studying the solar ocean, this type of image experiences many errors during capture, and you can understand how to capture and view it for free from the telescope platform page (6,7), as the matter is not secret and mysterious as some claim.

On the other hand, some are trying to link the myth of “Nibiru” and what we now know as “Planet 9”, but the latter is (8) a hypothetical body that some scientists expect to exist in the outer frame of the solar system due to some anomalies in the orbits of the post-Neptunian bodies (located behind the planet Neptune, the last planet of the solar system), but assuming the existence of the ninth planet in the first place, when it is close to the sun, it becomes at a distance from it equal to about 4-5 times the distance between the sun and the planet Neptune itself, which means that it is farthest from the earth and cannot be Interfering with the orbits of the planets.

Another group of Arab "Nibiru" theorists stand behind the hypothesis that a comet is approaching Earth, and that idea flourished in the year 2020 while the comet "New-Wise" was passing us and its pictures spread on Arab social media. According to the definition of the US Space and Aviation Agency (NASA), the Near-Earth objects, or (NEOs), are asteroids and comets that revolve around the Sun, but their orbits bring them to the vicinity of the Earth within a range of 45-50 million km. from the path of the earth.

Always, space agencies around the world track objects that pass close to Earth, and give periodic announcements about this automatically, and even make their predictions for any object that is believed to pass Earth during the next hundreds of years, and put the odds of injury, and what these models have reached is that no There is any known asteroid or comet that poses a great danger to Earth over the next hundred years (9), and the highest risk ratio for an asteroid known to collide with Earth is 1: 714, which is a recorded ratio for an asteroid that is likely to approach Earth in the next year 2185!

Despite all these evidence, the Nibiru myth still finds an echo in the Arab world and turns into a “trend” from time to time, especially during the past two years with the spread of the epidemic to all parts of the earth, events of this magnitude usually bring with them a massive tsunami of theories The conspiracy that usually builds itself around the hypothesis of the end of the world, because some people cannot easily believe that all of this stems from the "nature of things" on the surface of this planet, and although the attacks of epidemics have been repeated an infinite number of times, each of them was an experience Unique to the inhabitants of the planet.

But it is really interesting to observe the trajectory of this type of superstition, starting from the United States of America to the Arab world now, for example, in Europe and the United States, the sixties was the ideal time for alternative beliefs to take a prominent place, where the enormous uncertainty was In the aftermath of World War II the cause that sparked the counterculture revolution: New Age beliefs, alternative medicine, energy therapy, UFOs, the anti-evolutionary biology movements and more.

As for us, during the past decade we were exposed to a similar huge wave of doubt in the wake of the revolutions of the Arab Spring, which in turn led to movements against science and rationality, but these movements, which are usually random to find theorists and supporters of famous media, did not provide anything new, All it did was quote American conspiracy theories and myths and reproduce them in our Arab society with our own cultural character.

Zacharias Situation

No one in the Arab world, for example, knows that Zakaria Situation, whose name is usually mentioned in media discussions about Nibiru and others, and is seen as an empowered scientist, believed that aliens were the ones who put humans on the surface of the earth, and that the gods of Mesopotamia The ancient aliens were astronauts from the planet "Nibiru", and in general, the movements of the "ancient aliens" (10) believe that "God" was an astronaut, and this led to the emergence of a kind of religious movements, such as Theosophy, Scientology and Raelianism, claimed that the Gateway The sky was previously opened by "intelligent" contacts with extraterrestrial beings, and the scriptures and religious events (prophecy and miracles) are linked by the action of extraterrestrials from other planetary systems.

Currently, for example, many are promoting misleading publications about “Covid-19” vaccines, and about the disease itself, and during the first months of the pandemic a video spread of a man named David Icke, a famous British conspiracy theorist, who says that Corona is a global conspiracy that serves only 1% of humanity , the Arab reader or viewer may think that any famous writer or ambassador of a country decided to rebel against the rules and teach the public the secrets of governments, but do you know that we are talking about the same man who claimed several decades ago that he was the son of God?

No one knows that, no one knows that he imagined that the miraculous abilities possessed by the Prophet of God Jesus - peace be upon him - were thanks to extraterrestrial beings, and that the world is currently governed by a group of lizards coming from space that harness the governments of the world to serve them led by the Queen of England, and if he knew The Arab reader has these origins to reject them immediately, but - as we explained a while ago - Arab conspiracy theorists usually remove these roots that repel people, whether ideologically or logically, and put the theories new roots in Arab culture.

That is why, as we discuss the superstitions that prevail among us today, we must pay attention to the idea that what the promoters of these ideas, our virtual friends or acquaintances, do, is nothing but the import of Western nonsense into our Arab world, nonsense that is usually polluted by very naive claims that are not It just goes against common sense, but it also violates - perhaps unknowingly - many of our deeply held doctrinal values.



  • Hale-Bopp Note: written on Aug 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  • Is There a Nibiru?

  • The man whose biblical doomsday claim has some nervously eyeing Sept.


  • Nibiru and Doomsday 2012: Questions and Answers « Ask an Astrobiologist « NASA Astrobiology (

  • The Truth About Nibiru |

    Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (

  • The SOHO/LASCO Instrument Homepage (

  • The Very Latest SOHO Images (

  • Planet Nine - Exoplanet Exploration: Planets Beyond our Solar System (

  • Did You Know… |


  • Chariots of the Gods : Was God An Astronaut?– May 27, 1990 by Erich Von Daniken