His star night came to an end.

Sunday evening, a resident of downtown Toulouse opted for a poetic evening.

From his apartment on the second floor of rue Raymond IV, he climbed to the roof of his building to admire the sky.

But, unfortunately, his skylight closed behind him and proved impossible to reopen from the outside.

Stuck at the top of his makeshift observatory, the amateur astronomer had to resolve to call the fire department around 9.45 p.m.

The departmental fire and rescue service of Haute-Garonne (SDIS 31), specifies that a large scale was enough to allow the unwary to find, safe and sound, dry land.


Spain: man found dead, trapped in giant papier-mâché dinosaur


Bordeaux: A couple remains stuck for part of the night at the top of the Quinconces Ferris wheel

  • Firefighters

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  • Toulouse

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