On the other side of the recession, Gävleborg residents are faced with two alternative realities in the labor market.

The so-called open unemployment has decreased by 30 percent in one year.

It is the short-term unemployment, for example young people who are between different service jobs.

- It is very happy news.

This recession is entirely pandemic-driven, so those with short-term unemployment go back to work, says Gabriella Persson Turdell, who is head of the Employment Service in Gävleborg.

Largest increase in Ovanåker

On the other hand, long-term unemployment has risen sharply in several municipalities.

In Ovanåker, the number of people who have been unemployed for more than two years has increased by 57 percent.

In Nordanstig it has increased by 55 percent and in Hudiksvall 42 percent.

That worries Gabriella Persson Turdell.

- Those who were unemployed before the pandemic have an even worse position in the labor market today.

The key is education

The county has the second highest unemployment rate in the whole country.

To overcome the problem, an increase in skills is needed, she says.

- You need to look at where there are vacancies and train in it.

This also applies to older people, you are not free at the age of 55 either.