In the research project called “Gastronomy in a roadless country”, Joachim Sundqvist, researcher in diet and meal science at Umeå University, wants to find out what mountain hikers actually eat on the tours and how they experience the meals.

To do this, he sets out on a mountain hike this summer.

He has been out hiking on Kungsleden, and will also go to Jämtland.

Talk to people about what they eat

During the hikes, Joachim Sundqvist talks to people about what they eat, but also makes observations about people's meals.

- I'm out in the real world to see what it really looks like.

I interview people about what they eat but also make observations at intersections where people gather, says Joachim Sundqvist.

He also conducts a survey on social media to collect observations about what people publish for pictures and texts about meals.

- I do a data collection all year round.

What I do is that I look at pictures and text that people publish to see how we write about food and what we choose to convey, says Joachim Sundqvist.

Fooled by arranged pictures

Joachim Sundqvist believes that unfamiliar mountain visitors who prepare by searching for information on social media about what is expected of the mountain hike in the form of food and meals, can get a very wrong picture.

- Unfortunately, what is shown there is often an adapted picture of reality.

If unfamiliar hikers see the pictures, they can lead to you having an idea about what to eat that is not true.

I want to find out if that is the case, he says.

The goal of the project is that the results can be used by entrepreneurs who want to invest in the mountains in the hospitality industry and contribute to maintaining a vibrant countryside.

- I'm actually quite uninterested in what people eat.

I am rather interested in how the choice is motivated and the understanding of what is eaten, says Joachim Sundqvist.