Heart tingling can cause great anxiety in many who suffer from it.

But what are the factors that cause it?

And when should you visit a doctor?

The writer Leonardo Piolato, in a report published by the Spanish magazine "Mejor Con Salud", says that suffering from a tingling of the heart is very worrying.

At first, these pricks are often associated with serious heart problems, such as myocardial infarction.

However, in most cases, this problem may be related to physical and emotional medical conditions.

The author shows that the common cause of such cases is anxiety disorders, whose symptoms are similar to those of an acute coronary attack.

But beyond that, there are other possible reasons.

Heart tingling.. what caused it?

There are those who describe the tingling in the chest as "strong pricks" or "stabs" accompanied by a feeling of shortness of breath.

Sometimes, they are accompanied by stomach palpitations or dizziness.

In fact, these symptoms are of great concern, especially because of their possible connection to cardiovascular disease.

But contrary to what many believe, the main causes of this discomfort have nothing to do with heart disease.

Although this should not be ruled out, there are other triggers that can explain the presence of symptoms.


According to a study published in the American Journal of Cardiology, 30% to 40% of patients who go to the emergency room with low-risk chest pain have mild or severe anxiety.

Hence, this mental condition is one of the most common causes of heart tingling.

But why do these symptoms appear?

When an anxiety attack occurs, the body and brain show an immediate response to stress.

This includes physical changes such as muscle tension, sweating or shortness of breath.

Sometimes, symptoms disappear within 20 to 30 minutes.

However, when symptoms exceed this duration, the situation tends to get complicated.

In addition, when the situation becomes more stressful and anxious, the heart rate increases and the force of the heartbeat is also higher.

This along with muscle tension, which in turn leads to this abnormal discomfort.

However, it improves once the person is able to control the anxiety.

muscle pain

After doing a strenuous exercise routine, it is common for you to experience muscle pain that arises as a result.

This condition, described in a publication in the Journal of Sports Medicine, is characterized by muscle aches or severe, debilitating pain.

In some athletes - elite and novice alike - heart tingling is linked to this cause, as tiny tears in the muscles covering the chest area appear as cramps.

However, its duration is often short and is not accompanied by other inconveniences.

After doing a strenuous exercise routine, it's common to experience muscle pain that appears as tingling in the heart (Getty Images)

gastroesophageal reflux disease

Sometimes heart tingling is caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease.

This condition causes neurological change and muscle dysfunction that tends to appear with these types of symptoms.

According to an article published in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, this happens because the nerves that innervate the heart also innervate the esophagus.

For this reason, it is difficult for many to distinguish between the tingling caused by a heart attack and that caused by reflux.

However, in this case, other symptoms, such as heartburn and swallowing problems, can appear.

heart attack

The author explained that there is a relationship between heart tingling and angina pectoris.

Thus, it must be taken into account that this cause may be an indicator of angina pectoris.

According to information shared in the National Center for Biotechnology Information, angina pectoris is the main symptom of ischemic heart disease.

This disease is described as a feeling of tightness or pain in the chest accompanied by dizziness, fatigue, shortness of breath, nausea and sweating.

It occurs due to restricted blood flow to the heart muscle, impeding its functions.

Fortunately, there are currently a variety of treatments that help control it.


Gas that accumulates in the stomach or in the left part of the colon tends to appear as tingling in the heart.

They sometimes occur in association with other symptoms, such as pain in the back, arms or jaw, difficulty or shortness of breath, profuse sweating, dizziness, nausea, belching, swelling and loss of appetite.

Causes of gas vary, but the most common include food intolerances, excessive consumption of fiber, gallbladder disease, ingestion of air or excessive consumption of sweeteners.

lung diseases

Respiratory difficulties due to the presence of lung diseases affect the appearance of tingling in the heart.

In light of this, a publication in The Internet details that diseases associated with this symptom are generally acute pleurisy, pulmonary embolism and respiratory infections, such as pneumonia, pulmonary hypertension, lung cancer and mesothelioma.

Osteochondritis dissecans

A less common cause of heart tingling is inflammation of the cartilage that connects the ribs to the breastbone.

In medical terms, it is known as “osteochondritis dissecans” and causes pain on the left side of the sternum, which worsens when breathing or coughing.

Generally, the exact cause of this problem has not been determined, but it is related to injury, physical exertion, arthritis, and tumors.

Most of the time, this inflammation goes away on its own, although some medications are used to calm the discomfort.

When should you see a doctor?

In general, tingling in the heart is transient and does not require specific treatment.

However, it is a symptom to watch out for.

Therefore, if it appears frequently or if it is very severe, it is best to see a doctor.

Also, it is necessary to check whether they are accompanied by other problems.

After reviewing the patient's health history and performing a physical examination, the doctor will determine whether other complementary tests are necessary.

In turn, it will determine whether directing the patient to other specialists (psychiatrist, cardiologist, or pulmonologist) is necessary.