- 400 accidents in 2.5 years is a lot, states Magnus Sandberg, coordinator at the Swedish Transport Agency.

Figures from the Swedish Transport Agency show that 413 electric park accidents, where people were injured, occurred in Malmö from 2019 to the first half of 2021.

During the same period, 614 accidents were reported in Stockholm and 391 in Gothenburg.

More are hit

The most common type of accident occurs when the person riding, in one way or another, loses his balance and injures himself in the fall.

In the emergency room in Malmö, however, a worrying trend has been noticed.

- The proportion of patients who are hit by electric scooters has increased, says Christian Engvall who is chief physician at the emergency room in Malmö and continues.

- We have not seen any serious injuries from someone being hit.

Thankfully, the electric scooters do not go that fast, even though I think they go too fast.

Malmö hard hit

Magnus Sandberg at the Swedish Transport Agency points out, however, that there is an under-reporting in Stockholm and Gothenburg when it comes to accidents with electric scooters.

- The emergency hospital in Malmö reports more and has better control of accidents with electric scooters than the hospitals in Gothenburg and Stockholm, he says.

Despite a drop in reporting from Stockholm and Gothenburg, Malmö is relatively hard hit by accidents with electric scooters, Sandberg says.