Unemployment has decreased to 7.9 percent from 9.2 percent in one year, which corresponds to about 70,000 fewer unemployed compared to July last year.

Youth unemployment also fell, from 13.4 per cent to 10.5 per cent.

This is shown by the Swedish Public Employment Service's monthly statistics.

190,000 people are long-term unemployed

At the same time, the number of registered as unemployed, and who have been without work for twelve months or more, has increased by 25,000 people compared with a year ago.

In total, almost 190,000 people are now counted as long-term unemployed.

“It is positive that unemployment is declining and that there are more vacancies.

At the same time, long-term unemployment is increasing and we have full focus on preventing and breaking this development ", says Maria Mindhammar, Director General of the Swedish Public Employment Service, in a press release.

Unemployment fell in July

According to statistics, unemployment decreased in July in all counties compared with the same month last year.

Unemployment is lowest on Gotland, 5.2 per cent, and highest unemployment is in Södermanland County, 10.4 per cent.

Other counties where unemployment is high are Skåne and Västmanland, where it is 9.9 and 9.8 per cent, respectively.

In July, just over 29,000 people registered with the Swedish Public Employment Service, which is just over 13,000 fewer than last year.