
August 10, 2021

The i

Code Red

Shocking verdict on the future of humanity, scientists ask the prime minister to create a climate plan.

Human-caused climate change is already causing extreme phenomena in many regions of the planet, with warming reaching a one-and-a-half degree increase in 2040 even in the best-case scenario, should the world decide to react now.

The report is authoritative, the most reliable ever, supported by experts indicated by 195 governments: floods, heat waves, droughts will become more frequent.

Der Standaard (Netherlands) 

Three months before Glasgow, the intergovernmental group of experts publishes an alarming report. The Earth is warming faster than ever. Heat waves, floods follow one another all over the planet. Humanity has no other choice: we must move quickly to achieve zero emissions. 


Red alert for climate

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns of the dramatic consequences of climate change and calls for a radical change of course in climate protection policy. "The alarm bells are deafening and the evidence is irrefutable," UN Secretary-General António Guterres said at the presentation on Monday. The end of coal and other fossil fuels must be ushered "before they destroy our planet". "The planet is in mortal danger," said German environment minister Svenja Schulze (SPD). The Greens have said that if nothing is done, they will be there " irreversible effects on people and ecological systems ".

Le Monde

Climate crisis: the terrible current state in Greece, California, Asia

Fatal floods in Germany and Belgium, heat bombs in Canada and the United States, fires in Greece and Turkey: the responsibility of global warming in the increasingly frequent recurrence of these tragedies is clear. Concerned, public opinion is increasingly aware of the urgent need to act to avoid new disasters. The post-Covid recovery plans initiated by many states must be powerful accelerators. Yet less than 20% are "green", according to the UN. The debate on the urgent and drastic decisions to be taken to combat climate change must be placed at the center of the French presidential elections. 


Man's hand on the temperature of the planet.

UN alert on irreversible damage to the Earth



Whole regions, but also seas and ice: the IPCC paints the future portrait of the great "elements" of the planet.

"It is almost certain that the average sea level will continue to rise over the course of the 21st century, in response to the constant warming of the climate system."

Les Echos

Climate: changes already irreversible

Some data in the report are alarming.

In all the scenarios considered, from the most optimistic to the most pessimistic, the global temperature should reach + 1.5 ° C, compared to the pre-industrial era, around 2030. That is ten years earlier than the previous estimate three years ago of the IPCC.

But temperatures could also rise a lot.

Five scenarios are outlined by the IPCC.

The blackest provides for a warming of between 3.3 and 5.7 degrees.

A hypothesis that is anything but crazy.

Because only half of governments have revised their greenhouse gas emissions commitments.

The Guardian

Global climate crisis: inevitable, unprecedented and irreversible

As a verdict on humanity's climate crimes, the new report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change couldn't be clearer: Guilty as hell. Repeatedly ignored warnings from scientists in recent decades have come true. Humanity, through its actions, or lack of action, has unequivocally overheated the planet. Nowhere on Earth are rising temperatures, worse floods, warmer forest fires or more intense droughts avoided. The future looks worse. "If we don't stop our emissions soon, the future climate could become a kind of hell on Earth," says Professor Tim Palmer of the University of Oxford.This means that political leaders are now in the dock and the vital COP26 summit sponsored by the UN in Glasgow in November may be the last chance they can avoid the judgment of history.


The risk of discouragement

Dizzying, alarming, worrying ... At each publication of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) there is no shortage of superlatives to qualify the degradation of terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Greenland could quickly become an ice-free piece of land, and heat waves would occur every two summers. Responsible: the CO2 accumulated over our heads, which has grown rapidly with the use of fossil fuels by humans. The volume of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has never been greater in millions of years, and its growth rate has no equivalent in Earth's history. The IPCC report exposes the harshness of the scientific data but it will still take several months before detailing possible solutions.


Climate on the Brink

The IPCC reports, including the one released yesterday, have generated real awareness of the danger of global warming. Global leaders must act now.

For years, writes in the editorial Alexandra Schwartzbrod, the alarmist reports of the IPCC have acted like icebreakers. The world protested, leaders scolded each other, swearing to their great gods that they had nothing to do with this, accusing scientists and ecologists of being birds of ill omen. Time seemed to have stopped for a few hours and then ... life resumed its course, ordinary administration, in every sense; tomorrow was far away, we might as well exploit oil and air conditioning while they were there. After us the flood. Except tomorrow is today, and so is the flood. For some time now, extreme weather phenomena have been increasing, at a rate rarely seen,providing irrefutable proof that climate change is already disrupting our lives.


How hot is it on Earth?

Editorial: the ignorance of the experts

The United Nations Panel of Climate Experts has released a summary of its new report in which it credibly warns of the serious risks of global warming. However, the report exaggerates on a crucial point. It seemed impossible a more opportune time for the publication of the report, because terrible news spread around the world last week: the Gulf Stream system could be on the verge of collapse, we are close to a gigantic impending catastrophe. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assesses and assesses the level of knowledge on this issue as well. Although it also foresees a weakening of the Gulf Stream, no statement can be made on the extent and consequences,the ocean current has not been studied well enough. And this often happens, both with the Gulf Stream and with other predictions: limited studies cause hysteria in the media, the United Nations Climate Council later classifies the situation more soberly, the exaggerations are put into a global, holistic perspective. .


The world will be 1.5 degrees warmer in 2040, warning from the UN expert group.

Red code for humanity, extreme climatic phenomena will increase, strong demand for an immediate and decisive cut in harmful emissions


Warning on the climate of foreign countries UN


A climate of catastrophe

The climate apocalypse is near, humanity is to blame, and unless the world rebuilds the global economy, chaos and death are inevitable.

Repent of your sins all of you who enter here.

This is just a slight overstatement of the fiery media reports on the latest report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a collection of scientists and politicians who claim to offer the best evidence on climate change. Be prepared for days to read what a terrible person you are for using a gas stove. "It is unequivocal that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, the ocean and the earth," the report states in its main conclusion. But no one denies that the climate is warming, and no one seriously argues that humans play no role. How could eight billion people not do it? The addition of the adjective "unambiguous" adds emphasis but not context.

The biggest difference is the direct link of the new warming report with catastrophic weather events such as hurricanes, severe heat waves or rain events, droughts and so on. The summary says this is based on "new methodology" and evidence, which means computer models. Let's wait for what independent climate experts will say as they delve into these models. But we know that climate models are far from perfect


Senate Democrats Toss $ 3.5 Trillion for "Big and Bold" Social Change

The Democrats unveiled a draft budget for the nation's most significant social safety net expansion from the 1960s Great Society.

The plan aims to set aside funds for health care, childcare and the elderly, paid for by raising taxes on the rich, large inheritances and corporations.