The Lord Mayor of Dortmund, Ullrich Sierau, criticized the latest “Tatort” issue “Zorn” as being clichéd and “bullying” towards the city and its residents.

In a letter to WDR director Tom Buhrow, the SPD politician wrote that even a crime screenplay must have “a minimum of reference to reality”.

But: "It is a clumsy presentation without any regional knowledge." A spokeswoman for the station confirmed this Tuesday that the letter that the city had also sent to the media the previous evening had been received.

Sierau complained that an inaccurate picture had been conveyed about the locations of Dortmund and Marl and the entire region.

The structural change will be ignored.

"The makers of this episode are ridiculing the people of a region by letting them stand around drinking beer in tracksuits in front of run-down houses." The WDR also disqualifies "themselves as a producing broadcaster".

The film was also shot in Duisburg.

In a statement, the WDR replied that the broadcaster was showing “a multi-layered picture of the city” in the Dortmund “Tatort” episodes.

Through intensification and condensation “some scenes could be perceived as clichés by some, and as realistic representations by others”.

At the last public demonstrations there was "a lot of applause" - in Dortmund.

The Dortmund “Tatort” commissioners Peter Faber (Jörg Hartmann) and Martina Bönisch (Anna Schudt) investigate the murder of a former miner in “Zorn”. An average of 9.22 million viewers had followed the episode on Sunday in the first.