Nature's biggest fireworks show

Observing the first moments of the death of a giant star.. bright cosmic explosions

Astronomers were able to monitor the first moments of a supernova, or what is called "supernova", with a telescope belonging to the American Space Agency NASA. During the analysis of the data, the scientists observed the explosion of a star whose size is 100 times larger than our sun.

And this pioneering discovery, which is the first of its kind in the world, was published in the monthly bulletin of the British Royal Astronomical Society, and the newspaper "Express" said that the supernova, or simply supernova, is the largest fireworks display offered by nature.

The newspaper added that a supernova or supernova occurs due to the death of giant stars, and these cosmic explosions are bright enough to outshine entire galaxies for days or even months, and until recently, scientists only discovered the remnants of the supernova or the final stages of these fireshows, but not the moments. The first made by the latest discoveries.

The British newspaper pointed out that the credit for the discovery owes to the data set collected by NASA's Kepler space telescope, and was contributed to the discovery by astronomers at the Australian National University (ANU) in cooperation with NASA and a team of international researchers.

And while analyzing the data collected by the Kepler telescope and the Pan-STARRS observatory in Hawaii, they encountered a strange burst of light, and upon closer examination it was revealed that the light was the initial burst seen when the first shock wave passed through the star just before it exploded.

The doctoral student who led the study, Patrick Armstrong, said that this event is known as the "shock cooling curve", and will enable scientists to study other phenomena and try to decipher what led to the violent death of the star.

"This is the first time anyone has had such a detailed look and complete shock cooling curve of any supernova, and because the early stages of a supernova happen so quickly, it is very difficult for most telescopes to record this phenomenon," he added.

"So far, the data we have has been incomplete and only included a dimming of the shock cooling curve and the subsequent explosion, but never a bright explosion of light at the beginning of the supernova."

He continued: "This major discovery will give us the data we need to identify other stars that will later become supernovae, even after they explode.

Scientists named the discovered supernova as SN 2017jgh, and “Express” quoted NASA as saying: “Imagine that something equivalent to the mass of the Earth collapses in 15 seconds, the collapse occurs so fast that it creates massive shock waves that cause the outer part of the star to explode. ".

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  • stars,

  • NASA,

  • supernova,

  • supernova