35% of respondents believe that a child needs additional schooling to find a new hobby, develop new skills and interests.

At the same time, it is noted that among those parents who choose additional activities for their children, 37.5% do not agree to pay more than 5 thousand rubles per month for one child, 14.3% of respondents are ready to pay from 5 thousand to 10 thousand rubles. rubles and only 6% - more than 10 thousand rubles a month.

At the same time, as experts note, the cost varies depending on the attitude towards specific disciplines.

The majority of parents (48.4%) are ready to pay up to 300 rubles for one lesson in mathematics, physics or chemistry online, 28.1% of respondents - from 300 to 500 rubles, and only 9.5% - from 500 to 800 rubles. 

As for classes on the development of creativity or skills of future professions (drawing, music, blogging), 49% consider an acceptable cost of up to 300 rubles, 26.8% - 300-500 rubles and 10.8% are ready to pay 500-800 rubles for classes online.

The survey involved more than 500 parents from different regions of Russia at the age of 31-35 years (20.2%), 36-40 years (18.3%) and 41-45 years (14.6%) with one child (71 %) and with two or more children (22%) in a family.

The age of children in the families of the respondents is mainly up to two years old (29.6%), 18% of parents already have a child of 18 years old and 9.2% - families with children of seven years old.

Earlier it was reported that analysts of the platform "VRabote" conducted a study and found out what length of the working day students from Russia consider ideal.