The Swedish Transport Administration's goal with the survey is to take over the lights that are currently owned by the municipalities, even though they are on state roads.

After a pilot study that has been done in 17 municipalities in Sweden, it has been seen that the condition of many lamps is far below an acceptable level.

They have calculated that it will cost a total of approximately SEK 223 million for Sweden's municipalities to upgrade the lights to the level required by the Swedish Transport Administration for a takeover.

For the small municipalities in the region, this will be a cost that can be difficult to manage.

Mikael Jeanson (S), chairman of the municipal board in Tingsryd, is concerned.

- I see it as a killing blow to the countryside.

In that case, it is something we must include in the budget.

But we know that budget conditions will be tougher in the future and we really want to prioritize care and nursing, he says.

Unnecessary lighting

The survey has also shown that there is lighting on several roads in small towns where the criteria for lighting are not met.

They can thus be switched off if the municipality chooses to follow the guidelines of the Swedish Transport Administration.

- Of course, there are values ​​for the municipalities that the Swedish Transport Administration does not prioritize, it can be about safety or how attractive an area becomes with lighting.

These are not values ​​that we at the Swedish Transport Administration can take into account, says Rami Yones, head of national community planning at the Swedish Transport Administration.

The countryside must also be allowed to live

SVT Småland has been around the countryside in Tingsryd municipality and talked to the locals.

Most people already feel let down by the municipality.

They experience that service, buses or lighting from the countryside are constantly disappearing.

No one we spoke to was therefore surprised, but upset.

- The countryside must also be allowed to live!

The day you turn it off and shut it down in the big cities, then I can buy that you turn it down in the countryside, says Stefan Gunnarsson, a resident of Fridafors.

- Lighting is important for society, it is a matter of security. We want to be seen and we also want those who do not want to be seen to be seen, so to speak, he continues.