The sciatic nerve pain, also known as "sciatica", causes severe pain in the nerves of the back of the human body, due to a bulge or herniation in the vertebrae, which causes pain that extends down to one or both legs.

The pain of sciatica has several causes, including the wrong movement, the wrong sitting and standing positions, the wrong walking style, the wrong carrying of objects, the weakness of the abdominal muscles, the tightness of the back, thigh and buttock muscles, in addition to nerve infections and herniated discs.

The sciatic nerve is the main nerve that branches down the back through the hips and buttocks, and then down the legs, and serves to connect the spinal cord with the leg and foot muscles.

And writer Sarah London says in this report, published by the American website "The Ladders", that those who suffer from this problem can do some exercises and movements that will relieve the suffering caused by sciatica, but they should consult a doctor in order to choose the appropriate exercise, and in anticipation of the occurrence of counterproductive.

Putting the knee on the chest:

One of the most important things to know about sciatica pain is that we can feel better just by doing calm and relaxing hamstring stretches.

The exercise of placing the knees on the chest contributes to the relaxation of the lower back muscles, and can be adjusted according to your physical fitness and ability to exercise.

The writer explains how to do this exercise, as you lie on a hard surface with your knees bent and your arms at your sides, then each time you raise one knee and bring it close to your chest, while the other leg remains on the ground.

And if you are able to develop the exercise, each time you can wrap your arms around the leg you lifted, bringing it closer to your chest.

You can also maintain this position for thirty seconds, and then move to the other leg.

Pelvic lift:

The pelvic lift exercise is simple but very beneficial for sciatica pain.

This is done by sitting in the same position as the exercise that brings the knees closer to the chest, where you stretch back with bending the knees and leaning on your hands, then you tighten your body and the muscles of your stomach, bending the buttocks and pelvis area and raising them up, and this position can be maintained for 30 seconds and then Repetition.

Leg raise exercise:

This quick and easy exercise can be done with any chair, and it will help you strengthen the muscles as well as extending the hamstrings.

The exercise begins with a sitting position with the back flat and the feet on the ground.

Before you do any lifting, start by taking the leg that causes you the most pain, and put it in front of you with your heels on the floor, toes pointing up.

Next we stretch the hamstrings or the calf, and you test how well your body responds.

If you feel severe pain, you should stop here and not do any other more difficult movements.

And if you don't feel uncomfortable, you can move on to the leg raise position.

In this position, your leg is in line with your buttocks, and the knee is straight but not overly extended, then raise that leg as high as possible.

You can do this exercise several times, changing the leg each time.

Exercising helps relieve the pain caused by sciatica (Getty Images)

Cobra pose:

This exercise may be more complicated and difficult than the previous poses, but if you can do it without feeling the pain and fatigue, it is sure to help you greatly in alleviating the pain of sciatica.

In contrast to the previous exercises that include sitting on the buttocks, the start of this exercise starts from sitting on the abdomen.

Where you place your arms slightly below the shoulders, and the palms are attached to the ground, and you try to raise your chest while maintaining your buttocks and legs straight and attached to the ground.

And try to rise as far as possible, and have all of your weight on the hands instead of the forearms.

Try to hold this position for 10 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.

You can repeat the exercise 3 times, and then monitor how well your body responds.

Sit and bend the leg:

This exercise can be made easier using the machine in the gym, but if this is not available, there is also a way to do it at home.

In this exercise you also sit on your stomach and put your arms in whatever position is comfortable for you.

Then lift your legs back by bending them at the knee, trying to bring the heels of your feet as close to your buttocks as possible.

Then return your legs to the floor, and repeat the exercise 15 times.

And if you repeat the process 3 times, you will have performed 45 movements, and you can be satisfied with a smaller number if you feel pain.

Standing and squatting position:

It is one of the hardest exercises to relieve sciatica pain, and if you are unable to stand the pain and difficult movements, it is best not to try this pose.

But if your sciatica pain is moderate rather than strong, then this exercise will be beneficial for you.

This exercise begins with your feet slightly more than shoulder width apart, toes pointing forward.

There should be a chair behind you, located at a suitable distance for you to sit on.

Then start bending the knees and tightening the body, with your hands extended forward, and remain in a squatting position until you feel that your buttocks touch the chair behind you.

But do not sit, but lift yourself relying on the thigh muscles.

This exercise can be repeated 10 times and then take a break, and this exercise will cause you pain in the legs, but it is very useful for the back in the long run.