On August 2, local time, Morrie Sinclair, former Canadian Senator and former chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and Aboriginal survivors who experienced the "Sixties Scoop" policy issued an appeal to the Canadian Federation The government took action to investigate and apologize for the "sixties hollowing out" behavior.

At the same time, these survivors also initiated a class action lawsuit.

  "Emptyed in the 1960s" is a policy implemented by the Canadian government for the compulsory assimilation of aboriginal people in the 1950s and 1990s, which lasted 40 years.

It allows child welfare agencies to forcibly remove almost all aboriginal children (including newborns) from their mothers without the consent of the aboriginals, and then give them to white European families to raise them.

The local aborigines suffered tremendous suffering and losses, and they were like hollowed out in all aspects, so they were called "emptied out in the 1960s."

  As there are no clear statistics, the number of children stolen is still unknown, and it is estimated that there are at least 20,000.

But the aboriginal people believe that the actual numbers are far more than these.

(Producing Wang Jiayi)

Editor in charge: [Li Yuxin]