In its annual report, Miviludes, the interministerial mission responsible for combating sects, points to an impressive increase in reports since the start of the health crisis, with an increasingly large share of alternative medicines.

La Miviludes, the interministerial mission for vigilance and the fight against sectarian aberrations, published its annual activity report last week.

And since 2015, the number of reports has increased by 40% with a preponderant share of alternative health.

In five years, the number of reports related to complementary and alternative medicine has doubled to reach 412 referrals last year.

This is also the first subject for which Miviludes is solicited.

Conversely, the Church of Scientology is in decline.

Since 2015, reports to Miviludes have been divided by 10.

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The particularity of these sectarian movements is that they are structured around 3 strong ideas.

To say that the approach of scientific medicine does not take into account the human being in all its dimension first.

Then assert that public health is in the hands of pharmaceutical lobbies.

Pretend that all the solutions are in nature or in oneself at last.

Fasting and eating raw, for example, are promoted by Thierry Casanovas to his millions of subscribers.

This videographer without medical training does not hesitate to declare moreover that chemotherapy is toxic and ineffective in treating cancer. 

Gurus who have become experts in digital marketing

The Covid crisis has had a notable effect. From the 1st confinement, between March and December last year, there were 200 referrals directly related to the Covid. The gurus almost all have a position on the health crisis, against wearing a mask, against vaccination. And they adapt their speech and their approach technique. In front of them, there is a more isolated public more vulnerable and therefore more permeable to arguments of a sectarian nature. Religious movements took advantage of the Covid to develop the theme of divine punishment.   

And the new gurus have become experts in digital marketing. The offer has multiplied online, with trade fairs, blogs and discussion forums. We can talk about 2.0 gurus. No notoriety without a presence on Instagram and Facebook, explains the Miviludes report. This is the case with small groups. Gurus of international stature favor rarity. They delegate communication on social networks. Everything is under control, including SEO and keywords, to optimize the effect of search engines. The personality tests offered to Internet users make it possible in particular to collect their personal data in order to relaunch them and make them a follower. Then the services, consultations or care are offered remotely and facilitated through online payment.