• Justice, Cartabia: "No zone of impunity, reform wanted by all"

  • Justice: ok commission to reform Cartabia, Sunday in the Chamber

  • Justice reform, Marra (Csm) "With the Morandi and Mottarone trials unacceptable at risk"


01 August 2021 After hours of mediation, last Thursday the Council of Ministers gave the green light for the second time to the reform of justice, with the agreement on longer terms for trials relating to serious crimes such as mafia, terrorism, sexual violence . The reform only concerns crimes committed after January 1, 2020 and will enter into force gradually, to allow judicial offices to organize themselves; also taking into account the arrival of the 16,500 assistants of the magistrates, foreseen by the Trial Office; and about 5 thousand for administrative staff.

The text arrives at Montecitorio, with the vote on the preliminary rulings. The agreement on the provision that arrives in the Chamber in the Chamber should by now be "armored" but in the government the attention remains very high especially towards possible tears within the M5s. "Now everyone respects the pacts", invoked the Minister of Justice, Marta Cartabia.

The fear is that there may be someone or some party that can set new stakes and open new questions. In fact, the green light for the blue amendment by Pierantonio Zanettin has not gone unnoticed, asking for "stricter criteria" for the reopening of the investigations: the forecast could risk raising further doubts among the 5 Stars who also had to give up a 'explicit reference to an extension of the statute of limitations for crimes against the public administration and that in the meantime, for example, join forces with Leu to ask for more time to be given to trials for environmental disasters.

Government sources believe it "unlikely" that there will be any last-minute changes but in the meantime Giuseppe Conte gathers the 5 Stars. The former premier has in fact called a meeting with the deputies and senators for this afternoon to take stock of the reform. The assembly, the 5 Stars are keen to clarify, had been requested for some time above all to share with the groups the decisions and negotiations that had been carried out by a small group of exponents. Although there are appeals from the former "grillini" not to vote on the reform, the 5 Stars ensure that they are compact, that there are very few doubters, but since Giuseppe Conte is putting his face to it, the former prime minister will ask his patrol to support him. For him they are indeed very hot days.

On Monday and Tuesday, Conte's new M5s with its new Statute will be subjected to the vote of the base: it will pass only if it has reached an absolute majority of members, otherwise it will have to go to second call, on 5 and 6 August, where the quorum will be the majority of voters. For Conte, the challenge will not be so much that of obtaining a large majority, as that of bringing a substantial number of members to the "polls".

And this will be the real crux of the vote. Because many of the members of the M5s who remained "sleeping" on the old Rousseau platform will not have received the invitation to vote but also because others will deliberately not vote. Or they will vote No. A Catania meet-up wrote it in black and white: "We will vote NO to the new Statute which places one man in command, in contempt of the founding values ​​of our Movement".

Ermini (CSM): "Ok on reform principles, but invest more"

The principles of the justice reform are acceptable, but to achieve the objectives, guaranteeing non-impunity and securing ongoing trials, a law is not enough, we need more resources. He underlines this to


David Ermini, vice president of the CSM, who invites us to pass "from the abstractness of the rules to concrete investments and organizational measures". Recovery funds may be enough for the quota, he reflects, but the commitment to allocate a significant part of the GDP to justice must be maintained. And he warns: "I immediately say that if things go badly, the responsibility cannot be thrown on the judiciary"