With knowledge and money, people build their possessions ** Sovereignty is not built on ignorance or lack of knowledge.

- Ahmad Shawqi

Let us agree in principle, there cannot be a sane person in the world who does not seek to become wealthy, even if his heart is ascetic.

Money is the backbone of worldly life, and the tool that earns its owner respect and paves the way for him to achieve his goals, whatever they are, and simplifies for him - besides knowledge - influence and prestige, as Shawqi says.

On the other hand, money is what saves the face of its owner the most by preventing him from asking people and insisting on them in demand, which is a goal in itself worth striving for.

Fortunately, throughout all of history, money has not been the preserve of creative, genius and intelligent people, but perhaps the opposite.

How many ignorant people with a weak mind have hoarded money at a time when the owner of knowledge and reason suffers from lack of it all his life!

Earning money then, managing it, and managing it well is something that one can learn and excel in, regardless of one's level of education and intelligence, only if one applies its rules correctly and is successful.

We review here a group of the most important books dealing with financial culture in all its aspects, written by a group of senior specialized experts, all of which are available in libraries in the Arabic language, and addressed to the ordinary reader who does not necessarily have a previous knowledge of financial matters.

At 750 pages, this book is undoubtedly the largest on this list, and the most prolific in theorizing about financial literacy.

The book "Money... Mastering the Game, Seven Simple Steps to Achieve Financial Freedom", written by the famous American speaker and lecturer in the field of human development and self-development "Anthony Robbins", who has authored a number of the most prominent books in this field, perhaps the most famous of which is his book "Awaken the Giant Within You". ".

In the book, which was published for the first time in 2014, Robbins delves in very detail into the world of money, the tactics of investing, saving and obtaining it, and how to deal with it, through seven basic steps, each step of which he has detailed extensive explanations based on the opinions of experts, businessmen and investors It was not only based on his personal opinions, which makes the book more of a detailed study than a narrative that carries the author's opinions and financial trends.

The book begins by talking about the importance of financial culture, then delves into the second part about "the rules of the financial game", and the third part is devoted to explaining the applications of these rules.

Beginning with the fourth part, the book talks about the importance and how to make the right decisions in the financial life, then talk about the market and how to take advantage of its rise and fall.

In the sixth and seventh parts of the book, Robbins focuses on billionaire investing advice and an outlook on future markets.

The book is very rich, and includes a huge amount of useful information and directions for the Arab reader, if only he can distinguish between what is designed specifically for the American business environment and what can be applied around the world.

Of course, the book is primarily aimed at the American and Western reader with a culture saturated with investments, stock markets, pension funds, savings and investment, but many of the principles of the book are applicable to any society, even in emerging and developing markets.

Here we are talking about one of the most important and famous classic books on financial culture, which cannot be without any list of nominations in this field. The book was written by the American of Japanese origins, Robert Kiyosaki, and it is considered one of the most important and best-selling books in America and the world since its publication at the end of the nineties.

The book begins with the story that the writer had two parents, each of whom can be described as success, yet one of them had great financial liquidity and could be described as wealthy, while the other remained throughout his life suffering from poverty. From this beginning, Kiyosaki adheres to the approach of comparison between parents, explaining the difference between the steps that each takes in dealing with financial matters, and extracting from them many basic financial lessons that must be taken into account, starting with basic matters that include saving and investment, as well as financial rules Basics such as building income, assets and managing expenses, then broad views on the principles of investing in the stock market, real estate, and others.

The book consists of nine chapters, at the end of which the writer collected a set of focused ideas that summarize the most important of what came in it.

The book achieved such great success that the author turned it into a series of books specialized in the areas of financial culture, all bearing the same title (The Rich Dad, The Poor Dad), but all of them did not achieve the same success and spread as the main book.

The oldest book on this list is an ancient book that has been around for nearly a hundred years, coming from the mid-twenties of the twentieth century, specifically in 1926. The book was written by the American writer and businessman George Samuel Clason, and it is considered one of the most ancient classic books that dealt with financial culture in its form. year, although it was written entirely in an era that is considered very ancient compared to our time.

Despite its age, the book "The Richest Man in Babylon" has managed over the decades to occupy a permanent place in the shelves of financial culture libraries, perhaps because of its exciting plot that the writer used to provide his financial advice through a story that revolves entirely in the ancient city of Babylon, inspired by Persons and situations in the city in that bygone era, and a link between it and the current world in terms of many financial matters such as generating opportunities, earning money, preserving and saving it, opening projects and recycling.

Excellent for beginners with no prior knowledge of finance, the book takes them step-by-step through anecdotes and gentle anecdotal style to interestingly inculcate the most important principles of finance.

Therefore, it can be said that the book is also suitable for adolescents over the age of 12, and it can be summarized for children in a funny narrative form that helps them understand the most important financial principles at an early age.

Another classic book that crosses the ages, and there is hardly a list of nominations for financial culture books without this book in particular, because of its overwhelming fame and its flexible and deep style in presenting its writer's perceptions.

The book "Think Grow Rich", written by the famous American author and lecturer Napoleon Hill, was first published in 1937, at the end of the Great Depression, and two years before the outbreak of World War II.

The book is composed of 14 laws laid down by Napoleon Hill as the basic laws that, if anyone can use them correctly, will undoubtedly reach wealth.

Each of these laws carries a special philosophy set by Hill, and many examples do not focus only on the financial aspects, as much as they lay down general rules for success, including faith, the pursuit of knowledge and the adaptation of imagination, passing through patterns of planning and organization, and not ending with the exploitation of self capabilities and their adaptation in the path of creativity, And then creating wealth.

According to statistics, this book has sold more than 15 million copies over the decades, making it one of the most important books of financial culture and theorizing of the concepts of success in general, or what Hill himself described as a book that carries a "philosophy of achievement" in any area of ​​life.

A 2007 book titled "Giving: A Short Story About a Powerful Business Idea" discusses finances but in a slightly different way, focusing entirely on the fact that "giving" is the primary accelerator for accessing opportunities, growing businesses, and reaping wealth.

The book was written by "Bob Borg" and "John Davidman", and became so popular that the authors publish a series of books with the same title, "The Go Giver".

The book presents a symbolic story as an introduction to extracting a set of laws, the hero of which is an ambitious young man who works very hard all the time without real return.

The young man gets acquainted with a businessman who has a huge fortune, who, over time, turns into his guide to creating wealth, reaping opportunities and how to attract money, through a basic principle on which all advice is based, which is “giving”.

The book is based on five basic laws that help its owner to attract money, the first of which is the law of giving in value, that is, by providing products, services and efforts of real value to others, and can bring money at the same time.

Then the law of return to increase the level of this tender and its spread to wider service segments.

And the law of influence to achieve customer satisfaction.

And the law of originality with creativity and innovation in the services provided.

Then the law of expansion in seizing opportunities by expanding the concept of giving in all business details.

The most recent book on this list, released at the end of 2020 by veteran financial author Morgan Hossell, has been widely recognized and critically acclaimed.

The book presents 19 topics that focus on financial matters, and evokes a wide range of stories, approaches, and figures that support the author's opinion in his advice to the reader in the areas of attracting money, investing it, how to spend it, and the right ways to make business decisions.

The book establishes the fact that the correct handling of money has nothing to do with intelligence at all, but to do with "personal behaviors and behaviors."

A person of high intelligence and great skill in his professional and professional career can commit a number of major mistakes to find himself in a severe financial disaster, while another person with modest capabilities and experience lives his entire life without major financial crises or fluctuations.

In his graceful style, Morgan Hussell is exposed in the book to many examples, stories and financial laws that can benefit the reader in every aspect related to money, savings, investing, business decisions, monitoring the market, and how to deal with opportunities correctly.

The book is not without a deep philosophy that can be applied to the concepts of success in life in general, not just financial matters.

One of the most important and most popular financial culture books in the current century, was published in 2006 by author Richard Templar.

The book "The rule of wealth" is a book in a large series of rules authored by the author, including the rules of life, rules of management, rules of love, education, thinking, and other areas related to all aspects of life.

The book The Rules of Wealth is one of the most important books in this series, and it has been widely spread for several years, and has become one of the best sellers.

The book consists of 5 parts, each part of which contains a specific topic, under which falls a set of focused advice that does not exceed one page.

The first part talks about the way of thinking like the wealthy, then the second part talks about ways to achieve wealth, and then develop it in the third part, while the fourth and fifth parts focus on the tools for retaining and sharing wealth.

The total number of advice in all of these parts is 100 focused advice that includes what the writer considered rules for acquiring wealth, which can be considered a broad guide that includes all aspects of dealing with money, starting with its manufacture, through saving and investing, and ending with spending and sharing it.

In the end, there is nothing better than what the English philosopher and theorist Francis Bacon said about money: “Money is a good servant, but a corrupt master.”

It is necessary to remember on your financial journey that the primary function of money is to serve you to achieve your goals, and not the ultimate purpose of devoting your life to collecting money just for the sake of collecting it.



  • The books mentioned in the list were read and reviewed by the author of the personal report on them, and everything that came about them was information derived from what was mentioned in them, and the translations of the authors mentioned in them.